Paulding High Schoolers Build Wood Duck Boxes
GON Staff | February 3, 2019
By Sylvia Small
Members of the North Paulding High School Fly Fishing & Cold Water Conservation Club and Rodney Tumlin’s AP Environmental Science classes worked together on an “Ecosystem Restoration Project.”
Last year, the school’s Construction Classes acquired the lumber and cut the pieces for the wood duck nest boxes. Members of the Fly Fishing Club and the AP Environmental Science classes assembled the boxes.
After the boxes were assembled, NPHS Fly Fishing Club members erected the boxes along Pumpkinvine Creek, which meanders through the north Paulding community.
“While our primary focus is on trout and trout habitat, we also work on other projects that help increase the biodiversity of a stream or river in our local area. These nest boxes will provide critical habitat for native wood ducks in our school district for years to come,” said Tumlin, the sponsor of the Fly Fishing Club.
Pumkinvine Creek, the longest stream in Paulding County, is stocked with trout each spring by DNR. The NPHS Fly Fishing and Cold Water Conservation Club is sponsored by the Cohutta Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Georgia Council of Trout Unlimited.
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