Kids Outdoor Outpost – July 2016
Joe Schuster | July 1, 2016
Deer Hunting Prep
Well, the Fourth of July is usually the turning point of the summer for me. I bowhunt deer through January in Forsyth County and then prepare for turkey season, which runs until May 15. I shoot my bow a little in June but really start thinking about deer after the Fourth of July.
For some of you, this fall may be your first time in the deer woods. Others of you may be nearly veterans by now. No matter, here’s a few tips to make sure you enjoy the entire deer hunting experience.
Watch Other Wildlife, Watch Nature: The first few times out may seem boring to you if you don’t see deer. However, while you’re waiting on a deer, keep a watch for other animals, like turkeys, squirrels and hawks. Some hunters keep diaries or log books of everything they see during a hunt. It’s fun just to see how many different songbirds you can see in a morning’s hunt. I wonder how many different birds you could spot in an entire season?
For those morning hunts, watch for the last stars of the night to disappear with the first rays of sunlight. In the afternoons, watch the beauty of the last rays of sun as they slide below the tall pines.
Your non-hunting friends may never get a chance to really enjoy these things in the quiet setting of a deer stand. I can tell you that your life will certainly be richer because you’ve witnessed the slower pace found only in the woods and away from our fast-paced world.
Setting The Bar: As my three sons grew up, they spent lots of time pouring through big-buck pictures in GON. However, I made sure they understood that it didn’t matter if they shot a buck or doe. We were going to enjoy some great venison. If you’re blessed to harvest a buck, congrats. However, a fat doe will be just as enjoyable at the supper table.
Gear Selection: From the right bow or gun to the right boots and outerwear, making the right gear choices is really important. I encourage adults to buy the best gear for their children that they can afford.
Raising three sons in the deer woods put me in a position to stretch my money as far as I could. I would wait for pre- or post-hunting season sales to grab good coats, pants, boots and more. Not having proper clothes and boots in the woods can make for a rough experience. I purchased several second-hand bows and guns just to get my kids started. As they grew, I would sell them, add a few more dollars and buy them a little better bow or gun.
Older brothers and sisters can hand down the stuff they outgrow. As fast as kids grow, they sometimes only get one hunting season out of pants or boots. Each year, companies offer the latest guns, boots and camo. It’s really tough to keep up with them. Again, don’t get caught up with this. Just buy the best that you can afford.
I hope you’re gearing up now for a great deer season. Consider what I’ve written in order to give yourself the best chance to enjoy the hunt this fall.
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