Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – April 2019
GON Staff | April 1, 2019
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators.
Dodge County: On Oct. 21, which was the Sunday of opening weekend of Georgia’s 2018 deer season, game warden Allen Mills and Sgt. Chris Moore were conducting a nighttime detail.
At approximately 9:15 p.m., the officers observed a small pickup truck slowly moving down a dirt road shining a spotlight out both the drivers side and passenger side windows.

DNR Law Enforcement officers took this photo of a Remington .308, two Glock handguns, a spotlight and a suppressor that were found in a truck while making a night-hunting case in Dodge County on Oct. 21, 2018.
Just as the officers were pulling out onto the road, the pickup truck stopped, and a shot was fired from the driver’s window. Officers soon found that the shot was fired from a Remington .308 with a suppressor and sub-sonic ammunition.
Charged were Brian Cramer and William Jones. Both pleaded guilty and were assessed the following fines: $710 for Hunting Deer at Night; $430 for Hunting from a Public Road; and $290 for Hunting from a Vehicle.
Case Files
Recent citations issued by DNR Law Enforcement. These cases may not have been adjudicated.
• Appling Co.: Nov. 20, Cameron Mock, of Baxley; hunting deer at night; hunting from a vehicle; hunting big game from public road.
• Appling Co.: Nov. 4, Hughlon Johnson, of Baxley; hunting deer at night; hunting from a vehicle.
• Bacon Co.: Nov. 21; Michael Ellis, of Nicholls, Rhett Veal, of Blackshear, and Joshua Crusan, of Patterson; hunting waterfowl after hours. Ellis also cited for hunting with illegal weapon/ammo; hunting without federal waterfowl stamp, without Ga. Waterfowl license, and without hunting license.
• Clinch Co.: Nov. 18, Tyler Rood, of Lake Park, and Devin Earl, of Quitman; hunting deer at night; hunting from road; hunting from vehicle.
• Evans Co.: Nov. 22; Michael Arnold, of Claxton; hunting from a vehicle; hunting big game from a public road; hunting without license and big game license.
• Fannin Co.: Nov. 28, Jimmy Dickey, of Blue Ridge; hunting from a vehicle; hunting big game from a public road; hunting without permission.
• Gordon Co.: Nov. 21, Mikel Baker, of Calhoun; hunting without permission; hunting big game over bait.
• Hart Co.: Nov. 1, Toby Haygood, of Hartwell; hunting deer at night; hunting from a public road; hunting from a vehicle.
• Jeff Davis Co.: Nov. 22, Luis Rangel, of Denton; hunting from a public road; hunting from a vehicle; hunting deer at night.
• Madison Co.: Nov. 19, Roy Shead, of Carlton; hunting from a vehicle; hunting deer at night.
• Lanier Co.: Nov. 16, William Browning and Benjamin Hodges, both of Lakeland; hunting from a vehicle; hunting big game public road; possession of open container in vehicle passenger area.
• Lee Co.: Dec. 1, William Goodin, of Smithville, and Aaron Morris, of Americus; hunting from a vehicle; hunting from a public road.
• Lowndes Co.: Nov. 23, Mitchell James, of Naylor; possession of firearms by convicted felon; hunting from a vehicle; hunting big game from a public road; hunting deer at night; tampering with evidence.
• Madison Co.: Nov. 19, Tyler Cape, of Royston; Robert Jacoby, of Athens; and James Shook, of Danielsville; hunting deer at night; hunting from a vehicle; hunting from a public road.
• Mitchell Co.: Nov. 9, Reggie Chapman, of Camilla; hunting deer at night; hunting without permission; hunting from a public road; hunting from a vehicle.
• Taylor Co.: Nov. 17, Dustin Griggs, of Reynolds, and Joseph Bowden, of Byron; hunting deer at night; hunting from a vehicle; hunting a public road.
• Treutlen Co.: Nov. 4, Jeremy Cain, of Macclenny, Fla.; hunting deer at night; hunting big game from public road; hunting from a vehicle.
• Walker Co.: Nov. 18, Jonathan Gilbert, of Trion, and Karen Scott, of Chickamauga; fleeing and attempting to elude; criminal trespass; felony violation of GA Controlled Substance Act; misdemeanor obstruction/hindering of law enforcement officer.
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