GON Classifieds Rules & Guidelines

The GON Classifieds is a service provided for the Georgia Outdoor News community to buy, sell and trade items, person-to-person, with other members of the GON community. If you want to post ads on behalf of a commercial business, home business or hobbyist business, please see the Business Advertisers section below.

New Member Policy

New members who join our community will not be able to post ads or respond to ads until they purchase a GON subscription. New members can purchase a monthly subscription for $2.99 to satisfy this requirement.

Once your subscription expires, you will still be able to post ads and respond to ads.

This isn't about making money for us. Our testing has shown that requiring a small payment up front is a big deterrent that goes a long way toward keeping scammers out. This new policy has resulted in a significant improvement to the quality of the ads you see and a much better Classifieds experience for all of our members.

Please note: If you created your account on GON.com before May 26, 2022, this new rule does not affect you. Free Members (you've created a user name and password) who joined before May 26 will continue to have full access to the GON Classifieds and do not need to purchase a subscription to post or respond to ads.

Subscriber Benefits

GON Magazine subscribers with an active subscription receive the following benefits on the GON Classifieds site:
Post unlimited ads: GON subscribers can post an unlimited number of classified ads each month.
Early access to all new ads: Contact information for new ads is only visible to GON subscribers for the first 60 minutes the ad is online. After the initial hour has passed, contact information will be visible to all members.
If you are a GON magazine subscriber, use the account lookup page to enter your subscriber number and create an online account.
If you have any problems with this process, or have any questions, please contact us for assistance.

Important Information for GON Forum Users

If you're already a member of the GON Forum, you can create an account with the same username on the main GON site (and therefore, on the Classifieds pages). When creating an account on the main GON.com site, enter your Forum username in the Username field and your Forum password in the Password fields. The website will check to make sure the info matches, and if it does, you'll have the same username on both sites.

Business Advertisers

We do not currently allow businesses to post within the GON Classifieds unless you are a current GON advertiser. If you would like to receive information on advertising in GON or on GON.com please call 800-438-4663 or send an email to [email protected].

Picture Orientation Problems

Smart phones can sometimes be a little too smart for websites and try to automatically re-orient pictures. To take photos that appear properly, hold your phone horizontal with the phone's camera in the top left corner of the phone. If you hold the phone vertically or upside down, it will try to automatically turn the photo to the wrong orientation when it is uploaded. We try to fix these orientation issues after an ad is posted, but it can take us a while to get to it.

Guidelines to Help Avoid Online Scams

 • Deal locally and face-to-face.

 • Beware of offers that involve shipping.

 • Never wire funds via Western Union, Moneygram, or any other wire service.

 • Do not accept cashier/certified checks or money orders. Banks cash fakes and then hold you liable.

• Never give out financial information: bank account, social security number, Paypal account, etc.

• Transactions are between users only. No third party provides a guarantee.

• Ask for a phone number and talk to the seller before purchasing any item.

• Do not purchase items sight-unseen.

Classified ads are posted by individuals as is, with no guarantees by this site. We will not provide user contact information. Georgia Outdoor News is not involved in any transaction and does not handle payments, guarantee transactions, provide escrow services, or offer any protections or certifications.


The intent of GON Classifieds is to provide an environment for individuals to buy, sell and trade. Classifieds is not an environment to promote general commercial products or services.

One ad per item. Do not post multiple ads in multiple categories for the same item.
You must be 18 years of age or older to post an ad or respond to an ad on the GON Classifieds website.
GON reserves the right to edit or remove your listings from the site for any reason, at any time, without notice.

Ad Limits

GON Magazine subscribers with an active subscription can post an unlimited number of ads.
Free members (including former subscribers whose subscriptions have expired) can post up to 20 ads per 30 day period.

Reposting / "Bumping" Ads

Please limit re-posting of ads to no more than once per week.

Protect Your Privacy

We strongly recommend that you do not put your personal contact info (email, phone number) in the description of your ad. The description text is public and visible to the whole internet, including search engines. It's likely you'll get emails / calls / texts from spammers and scammers, even after your ad has expired or been deleted. Use the email and phone fields provided, as the information you enter in those fields is only visible to members of the GON community.

How to Post an Ad

Click on the "Post an Ad" link to create a new ad.

Edit or Delete an Ad

Use the "Manage Your Ads" link on the right side of the page to view all of the ads you have posted. You can edit any ads that are currently active, or delete any ads you want to remove once your item has sold.

How to Get Help

If you have a problem with the GON Classifieds site, please contact us and let us know. We'll be glad to help!

Terms of Use

As a user of this website, you are solely responsible for abiding by and following all laws, regulations and codes, including but not limited to federal, state, municipal and tribal statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances and judicial decisions, including compliance with all applicable firearms licensing requirements.
You agree that you will not use this website for any illegal purpose, and you will report any illegal activities you witness to the appropriate law enforcement or regulatory authorities.

Before purchasing or selling a firearm, you will visit the ATF website at http://www.atf.gov and become familiar with laws and regulations regarding firearms transactions.

If at any time during a transaction or negotiation you are unsure about the legality of the transaction, you will contact the appropriate law enforcement or regulatory authorities. If you are unsure about a firearm sale or transfer, you agree to contact the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives at 1-800-ATF-GUNS

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless GON and all of its owners, directors, officers, employees and agents for any and all loss, harm, damage, costs, liability, and expense incurred, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by your use of this website, including but not limited to direct or indirect results of violations of any and all applicable laws.

GON may make changes to these terms at any time without notification. As a user, you are solely responsible for reading the most current version of these Terms of Use.

Use of this website in any way signifies that you have read and agree to be legally bound by these Terms of Use.

Last update: September 23, 2023