
GON Classifieds

Heard County Hunt Club Has One Opening

Posted: February 17, 2025 (5 days ago)
Franklin, GA

Property is privately owned 260 acres with a total of 7 members. Lease is for deer and small game only. Cost per member is $750.00 and includes the cost of food plots and access to several communal stands. Land is made up of varying age pines, pastures, and a few small sections of mature hardwoods. Members are allowed to bring spouses and children under age 18 to hunt in same stand with paid member. We try to take bucks in the 120 or better range and whatever does you would consume in your household but prefer no more than 3 per member unless others are not taking does. We do limit everyone to one trophy buck per season but approved cull bucks do not count. Land is located in Southwest Heard county in the Texas community. Presently we are only using the Tectonic daytime feeders, no spin feeders, open troughs, or pouring on ground allowed. Any questions send email or call.

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