

Squirrel Numbers Way Down In Mountains

As the fall rolls on, more and more hunters will begin to shift their thoughts from deer hunting to other things, like squirrel hunting. However, this change in thinking comes with a problem, at least if you’re a mountain hunter. Squirrel populations in northwest and northeast Georgia are at the lowest they’ve been since 1968,…

Giant Buck From Piedmont NWR

A giant, 16-point buck has been killed at Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge. The hunter, Joey Bickford, of Valdosta, was drawn for the Nov. 6-8 either-sex quota hunt. On the afternoon of Nov. 6, Joey got in the tree at about 3 p.m. “Joey had been in his stand about 30 minutes when he heard something…

UGA Survey Shows Average Deer-Lease Prices

In the spring, we asked GON readers to tell us about land they leased in 2013. The GON staff and publisher allowed us to post a notice in the February 2014 and March 2014 issues. Readers were directed to an online survey link and given the opportunity to answer 10 questions about their 2013 hunting…

Cat Blood Trails Nice Cobb County Buck

I recently received a call from my uncle inviting me to come bowhunt behind their Cobb County house with my cousins. I jumped at the opportunity since this meant I wouldn’t have to get up so early like I normally would if I were going to our lease in Coweta County. Tuesday, Nov. 4 came,…

Tick Bite Can Cause Red Meat Allergy

On an April evening three years ago, Jason Power, of Winder, discovered a tick attached to his leg. A hunter and fisherman, Jason had pulled ticks off of himself before. He didn’t give it a second thought. “I pulled it off my leg, but this time the bite place just wouldn’t go away. It left…

Poached Buck Recovered By DNR Law Enforcement

There will be one less Fab-40 caliber buck on the prowl in Jasper County this fall after a giant 9-pointer was poached in a pecan orchard on Fellowship Church Road early in the morning of Sept. 28. On Wednesday, Oct. 1, DNR Ranger Freddie Hays received information that a Jasper County buck had been poached…

Fisherman Rescued From Lake Allatoona

According to Larry Parris, of Acworth, it was divine intervention that a local fisherman was rescued from the chilly Lake Allatoona waters on Oct. 20. Larry, (Crappiepappy on the GON web forum), his wife, Carol, and Stewart Wright (Crappieking), of Euharlee, were fishing for crappie below Little River at about 1:30 p.m. Larry and his…

The Longest Drag

Some of my fondest hunting memories have come when pursing deer and hogs a mile or more from the truck. My most recent memory is from Altamaha WMA, where I spent several days hunting hogs a few Octobers ago. Between six of us, we hauled 15 hogs out of the woods, with the longest pull…

Darden Dove Shoot Gets A Visit From An American Hero

As expected, this annual dove shoot had plenty of shooting and a number of limits, but it was a visit from an American hero that made the day so special for the roughly 100 in attendance. Three Star Marine Corps General E.R. “Buck” Bedard with the United States Marine Corps (USMC) made the trip from…

Potential Seatrout Regs Need More Soak Time If Implemented

Discussions on a potential increase in the minimum-size limit on spotted seatrout that will initially result in fewer fish for the fryer—but over time could greatly improve the quality of these inshore fish—will continue as Georgia’s Fin Fish Advisory Panel (FFAP) gets back together in the first quarter of 2015. “When you compare and contrast…

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