As hunting season is now upon us, it reminds us of the dedicated men and women in uniform who work daily with hunters, boaters, fishermen and landowners to help protect and preserve Georgia’s natural resources. State game wardens have a unique law enforcement mission. These officers patrol Georgia “Off the Pavement” to ensure our woods…
On Dec. 8, 1985, David Coppenger, 22 at the time, killed a main-frame 12-pointer from the Oconee National Forest in Jasper County that also had 15 kicker points and grossed 192 7/8 inches. “Ever since I was a little kid, I used to hunt. I would hunt rabbits and squirrels when I was in elementary school,”…
Who hasn’t filled out a drawing at a show like GON’s Outdoor Blast, and then went about your day and hardly gave the drawing another thought? That was Caitlin Parker, who attended this year’s Outdoor Blast with her husband and her mom and dad. “We go to the Blast most every year,” said Caitlin, who…
On Saturday, Sept. 16, Randy Hand, of Bainbridge, his wife, oldest brother, and father went on Lake Seminole to go gator hunting, and they killed an alligator that measured 13-feet, 4-inches long and was weighed at a whopping 680 pounds on certified scales at Elberta Crate and Box Company. Randy and his family have been…
It’s not a newsflash that feral hogs seem to be taking over some parts of the country. Here at home, the most common complaint continues to be from farmers in south Georgia who say they are tired of the extensive damage done to their crops by these destructive rooters. Hunting kills a few, and trapping…
About 50 teenaged girls from all over the country recently visited Old Hudson Plantation in Sparta to get some hands-on experience with shooting sporting clays. “This is one event that I wouldn’t miss,” said Ron Hess, of Putnam County, who volunteered as a shooting instructor for the afternoon. The unique event was facilitated by TeenPact,…
Dealing with coyotes out in the Georgia woods as they work on deer and turkey numbers is problematic enough, but when you flip on your bedroom light at 4 a.m. and discover one in your bedroom, it brings things into a little different perspective. According to Fox 23 News, a woman in Bixby, Oklahoma discovered…
Although the information is anecdotal, some turkey hunters have hope for improved turkey populations during future spring seasons. “It is too early to know for sure, but anecdotally poult production seems to be better in several parts of the state,” said Kevin Lowrey, WRD’s wild turkey project manager. “The Lower Coastal Plain and Ridge and…
To learn how to trap effectively, the experience of folks who have been doing it is valuable. A great resource is the Georgia Trappers Association (GTA). The GTA will hold its 37th annual convention at FDR State Park, Pine Mountain Sept. 21-22. Coyotes are an invasive, non-native species that has spread to every corner of…
Wounded Warrior Retreats (WWR) will once again be hosting deer hunts at Come Away Plantation in Warren County. They will be offering hunts Nov. 1-3 , 5-7, 8-10, 15-17; Dec. 26.-Jan. 2. “Wounded Warrior Retreat is like no place I have ever been to,” said Danny Dickey, a retired disabled combat veteran with the U.S. Army. “It…