Commercial fishermen can take to the waters of specific stretches of the Altamaha and Savannah rivers beginning at 12 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2024 to take advantage of the opening day of shad season. The 2024 commercial shad season is scheduled to run through midnight on Mar. 31. “Similar to the 2022 season, the 2023…
Recent sightings of a large, non-native land crab along the South Atlantic coast, including in coastal Georgia, are a cause for concern, according to WRD. Blue land crabs are native from Brazil to south Florida and can be as large as 5 to 6 inches. Sightings recently have been reported well north of the crabs’…
The West Point Lake Project Management Office will begin accepting unwanted, live Christmas trees for recycling from Dec. 26, 2023, until Jan. 9, 2024, at three drop-off sites around the lake. Artificial trees will not be accepted. Drop-off locations are Yellowjacket Boat Ramp, Sunny Point Boat Ramp and Rocky Point Ramp. Decorations—including tinsel, lights, garland,…
The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR) announces that two additional cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in hunter harvested, white-tailed deer have been confirmed in northern Lauderdale County in northwest Alabama. The two additional deer bring Alabama’s total number of confirmed CWD cases to five. CWD in Alabama’s deer herd was first…
There are U.S. hunters who spend small fortunes and travel to exotic lands for the opportunity to take the magnificent red stag. The fourth largest deer species inhabits most of Europe, Iran, parts of western Asia and northern Africa. Those hunters are likely to wince once they find out that a Georgia hunter took one…
“The United States of America is the greatest country on earth. This deer hunt is our way of saying, “Thank you for your service and your sacrifice!” said Dick Caillouet, Chairman of Veteran Events for the Georgia Chapter of SCI. Eleven wounded veterans from across Georgia came together to Twiggs County for the annual Georgia…
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, Hartwell Dam and Lake Project, has a campground park attendant contract position open at the Twin Lakes Campground in Pendleton, South Carolina. Lake Hartwell officials are currently looking for an outgoing, active couple who would like to work as paid contract park attendants from April 1 through November…
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has entered into partnership agreements with two Lake Lanier area counties that should improve maintenance and operation at several key parks on the lake. Tim Rainey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lake Lanier Project Manager, and Dawson County’s Director of Parks and Recreation, Matt Payne, recently co-signed a…
When the state purchased 10,015 acres of Oaky Woods WMA back in 2010 for $28.5 million taxpayer dollars, a big victory had been achieved for middle Georgia sportsmen and wildlife—including the central Georgia bear population. However, a crisis is lurking over the horizon as the same landowners, Southern Timber Consultants LLC in Perry, who sold…
It’s once again time to sign up for the Georgia Trappers Association Youth Trapping State Championship Field Trials. The weekend format is simple. Kids and parents pair up with experienced trappers and spend two days on big chunks of private properties while kids get their feet wet in the art of trapping. Trap lines are…