On Sunday, July 11, at about 9 a.m., Jim Dieveney, of Screven, caught an 83-lb. flathead catfish out of the Altamaha River near Baxley that officially ties the 4-year-old state record. Fishing from a dock on the bend in the river near Carter’s Bight Landing in Appling County, Jim hooked into the fish shortly after…
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is set to start its long-term, deep-water drawdown of Lake Blue Ridge on July 15. Once the drawdown begins, it will take approximately four months to get the lake to the lowest level needed for work to repair the penstock, a gate that controls water flow from the lake, and…
With little time to review and comment on a DNR plan to change the name and focus of WMAs to attract more “recreationalists,” sportsmen reacted quickly and with a strong voice to stake a claim to traditional hunting and fishing lands in Georgia, much of which they paid for through license-fee increases. This DNR plan…
Like no other Georgia reservoir, Clarks Hill is the king when it comes to producing gigantic catfish. There’s something about this sprawling impoundment on the Savannah River above Augusta that grows huge catfish. Jake Manley, of Plum Branch, S.C., knew the lake’s potential already, and on May 8 it was confirmed in a huge way.…
DNR is in the midst of creating a plan to market WMAs to all Georgians for recreation by changing what the areas are called. DNR also is considering options to charge some of these other WMA users. Many sportsmen have lamented that only hunters and anglers had to pay to use these areas. But the…
Jimmy Kelley, 68, of Lilburn, died the morning of May 20, 2010, just a month ahead of his 50th wedding anniversary, of complications from injuries sustained in a boat accident. Three other men involved in the accident, which occurred during the blast-off of a Lake Russell pot tournament on May 8, suffered non life-threatening injuries.…
If your favorite wildlife management area (WMA) was changed to a “recreation area,” would that make the property more marketable to other users like bikers, hikers and horseback riders? And would that be a good thing for hunters? DNR is seeking public comment at four public meetings next week — and through mailed and emailed…
Note: The following DNR press release offers no details about what the state is considering. Public meetings are to give people an opportunity to comment, but it is impossible for the public to comment on proposals, alternatives or ideas they know nothing about. GON will provide details as soon as they are made available, so…
Researchers conducting North Atlantic right whale work spotted a 5-foot alligator March 9 about 20 miles offshore from the mouth of the Altamaha River. At first, whale observers thought the animal was debris. After getting closer, they realized the gator was very much alive. The researchers snapped a few photos and moved on because they…
Almost a quarter century ago, Roger Snipes caught a 46-lb. Lake Lanier striped bass that became one of the longest-standing, most sought-after lake records in Georgia. Imagine the hours of striper fishing that have been put in at Lanier since Roger’s catch. On April 3, the Lanier striper record finally fell — and to a…