

Teen Takes Best-Ever Bow Buck From Screven County

The old saying is that the best time to go deer hunting is when you can go. North Goodwin, a 17-year-old from Augusta, is one of those who believes that old sayings get to be old sayings because they are true. When North wanted to go bowhunting back on Oct. 15 of last year, his…

Old Habit Gobblers

My son, Devereaux, and I made our way along the old, worn trail in the morning darkness toward our listening spot. I knew where two birds likely were, and I also knew we would be nowhere near them to start the morning. I had hoped there might be other birds closer to where we would…

The 2022 Georgia Turkey Hunting Special

You probably learned about the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, in high-school history class. It’s safe to say that your teacher never mentioned his name in the same breath as Georgia turkey hunting. Nevertheless, the old doc coined a phrase that surely fits as the 2022 Georgia turkey season is set to begin. Almost 2,400 years…

Three Feet From Heaven: Chronicles Of A Turkey Guide

The gray-haired man wearing a brown fedora hat with a turkey breast feather in the hatband flipped a purple plastic worm across the small pond. It landed with a light plop about 2 feet shy of a log and some grassy weeds near the far bank.  “So Mr. Julian Duffey, you wanna be a turkey…

All For The Love Of Turkeys

My dad put me up to it. Rather, he pretty much demanded that I do it. He had a somewhat twisted sense of humor about certain things, and he seemed to take special delight in putting me in a difficult spot just to see how I would respond. I dialed the number with elevated pulse…

Oconee National Forest Bruiser Ends A Perfect Season

By Jordan Conant When I moved to Georgia to attend college back in 2009, I hardly knew anything about deer hunting. Growing up in Maine, I was an avid fisherman, and although my dad and I had spent several fall days away from the football field in pursuit of deer, we weren’t exactly accomplished hunters.…

Southwest Georgia Counties Could See Shift In Deer Dates As Early As 2023

Some counties or parts of counties in extreme southwest Georgia could see a change to the start and end to their deer seasons by the 2023 season. Research and input from hunters have shown a significant number of does in those areas having a later conception date than does in other parts of the state.…

10 Ways To Improve Your Turkey Population

The declining turkey population in the southeastern United States made front page news after almost 20 years of data collection and scientific research backing the claim. If you spend any time at all looking into possible causes, you’ll find a hundred different theories. The most common to blame being predation, habitat loss, increased use of…

Warren County’s New No. 1 Buck

Tim Wood lives in Hendersonville, N.C., but Warren County Georgia will always be home to him. During deer season, he tries to return to the family home at least once or twice a month to hunt. When he saw the biggest buck that he has ever seen on the 100-acre property on opening weekend, he…

Walton County Surprise Buck Makes Late-Season Appearance

Cameron Johnson missed most of the Georgia deer season because he was out of the state. When he finally got home and got to hunt, the only thing on his mind was getting a doe and putting some meat in the freezer. Luckily for Cameron, his plan didn’t work out. “I was in Montana for…

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