Pictures of happy hunters with their gobblers have been pouring in at the GON office, yet statewide reports on this turkey season are mixed at best. The toms have been fired up one day, and then the next day they might gobble only a few times from the roost, if at all. With a few…
Where does the money go? NWTF staff and board members frequently get that question from folks attending banquets across the state, and it’s a valid question. I’m always happy to report that a majority — usually upwards of 90 percent of the money raised by our volunteers — is turned around and put directly back…
“What’cha doing Saturday morning?” Mark asked. “I don’t know,” I replied. “Nothing, I guess. Why?” “Want to go turkey hunting with me?” “Turkey hunting? “Yeah, turkey hunting!” “Man, I don’t know nothing ’bout no turkey hunting.” “Well, I don’t know much myself, but I’ll show you what I do know.” “Yeah, but it’s March.” “I…
There seems to be a pile of jakes roaming the woods this spring! GON has talked with hunters and WRD biologists, and both confirm that all indications point to a pretty stellar turkey hatch last summer, at least when compared to 2007’s poorest reproductive year on record. “Overall it’s our best reproductive year since 2002.…
The 2007 SEEDS Big-Buck Contest winners, Matthew Price, of Ellabell, and David Roney, of Vienna, went archery hunting in Texas in December to collect their grand prizes in last year’s big-buck contest. Matthew’s south Texas deer and hog hunt took place the first week of December, and he killed two spikes, two does and two…
With deer season gone and winter throwing its last punches, my thoughts shift primarily to turkey hunting, a time that energizes my soul for a two-month period every spring. If you’ve never been turkey hunting, or maybe you’re a newbie, this article highlights turkey-hunting truths that should get you started in a positive direction. It…
I have been trying to get my daughter Sabrina a deer for quite a while now. Sabrina is now 16 years old. She has been fishing and hunting with me since she was a toddler. I remember when I was stationed at Fort Knox, Ken., strapping her into a car seat in the Jeep and…
We heard from our Hunt Advisor Team. We talked to hunters from across the state on a daily basis throughout the season. And we’re still a bit baffled as to what went on in the deer woods. Plenty of great Georgia bucks were killed, but in general there seemed to be more perplexed hunters than…
A cold front blew through the mountain forest, rippling the saplings in the old hardwood clearcut and shearing the last of summer’s leaves from the trees. On the other side of the ridge, just out of sight, Buck searched the wind for scents, his collar bell jingling closer as he nosed sticky blackberry thickets and…
Don Edwards could not believe his eyes as he sat latched to a tree in Area 6 at Ocmulgee WMA, which is located in Bleckley, Pulaski and Twiggs counties. It was Wednesday, Nov. 26, and he had just seen a spike buck and let it go by. But a couple of seconds later, he looked…