It’s amazing how seemingly minor events can evolve into memorable experiences. Such was the case when I joined Ronnie Kirk and his 88-year-old dad, Hoby, for a morning rabbit hunt on Dec. 11, 2013. Ronnie and I have been fishing friends for many years, and Ronnie had often talked about his dad’s beagles and his…
Thirty minutes after fly-down time, and we hadn’t heard a gobble. This is crazy, I thought. Thomas Holcombe, 14, of Royston and I were the very first public turkey hunters on the newly purchased River Creek WMA in Thomas County. I’d heard the place was filthy with turkeys, but at this point I wasn’t so…
The smell of cedar shavings and sawdust, the cool black diamond stitched lining, and the soft warmth of the old worn cotton plaid jacket… What we oftentimes do, as sportsmen, is forget to appreciate the simplest aspects of the outdoors that we once fell in love with in our youth. We also don’t stop to…
Corey stopped putting corn in the feeders two weeks before archery season opened. They still got several more trail-cam photos of Jupiter II because the deer were still hanging around the feeders at night. All were taken while the buck was still in velvet, and all came from the same camera that had taken the…
On an early September morning in 1962, Earl Williams and Billy Waits slipped Williams’ 12-foot aluminum boat into the Ocmulgee River at Macon and headed upriver to do some squirrel hunting. As the men neared Georgia Power’s Plant Arkwright, located along the western edge of the river, Earl turned the boat sharply to the right…
Editor’s Note: Luke Roberts, 16, of Martin, was the 2012 winner of GON’s Youth Big-Buck Contest. He collected his grand prize in October when he went deer hunting with the fine folks at Woods-N-Water outfitters in Johnson County. Luke scored on a nice buck and sent GON the following diary. Oct. 17, 2013: We arrived…
So, you’ve made managing your deer herd on your beloved piece of hunting property a priority. You read everything you can get your hands on about deer management. You’ve attended deer-management seminars. You plant high-protein food plots. You kill does as recommended to get your buck-to-doe ratio closer to the desired balance. You take the…
“The results have come back from the lab, and it is cancer.” Those are words no person ever wants to hear. The fear and anxiety that it brings begins a difficult journey of fighting daily to overcome a potentially deadly disease, as well as fighting those fears. It’s one thing to hear that you have…
The John Deere tractor pulled up next to Isabel’s truck, and Jamie shut it off. Using an old wooden cane that had been in his grandmother’s house forever, he climbed down and limped over to the truck. He grabbed a bottle of water out of the cooler in the back. It was late afternoon. He…
The little flat I found was littered with acorns and surrounded by thicker woods. To top it off, there were fresh rubs and scrapes within sight of a concealed spot where I placed a pop-up ground blind the afternoon before I would return to hunt. Surely this would be the spot where a young teen…