

Georgia’s Best Public Areas For Wild Hogs

  December has been coined the most wonderful time of the year, and with good reason. Time with family and friends, good food, and most importantly, the celebration of Jesus’s birth, which makes the next four weeks the best month of the year. Yes, you would simply have to be an old Scrooge not to…

158-Inch Buck Taken By Hunter After Recent Life-Changing Injury

On Oct. 25, 20-year-old Luke Zech, of Monticello, was debating on whether to go to class or hunt. Luke is currently a film major at Georgia College in Milledgeville. Luke did what many deer hunters would have done with the rut quickly approaching; he decided to hit the Jasper County woods. Deer hunting for Luke is…

The Freak: A Survivor’s Tale Conclusion

By John Seginak and Brandon Adams   Billy Haddock’s eyes strained to cut through the early morning fog, to see into the thick privet and cane of the Washington County river bottom. “That was a deer, I know it was,” Billy told himself. He never used his rifle scope to get a better view of…

Coyote-Takers Calendar: December

By Martin W. Duke and Renee’ Nolan Along with Thanksgiving’s feast, the peak of the annual whitetail rut has come and gone, and autumn’s bright colors and amber air give way to post-frost predominance of browns and grays and shorter days. Each day is a little chillier. Plant life is bowed, broken or harvested, and…

Blind Hunter Shoots Deer

Brett Morrison, of Chatsworth, was hoping to simply put a little meat in the freezer on Saturday, Nov. 4 on his hunting club in Warren County. Brett wasn’t the only hunter on the club looking for venison. His buddy, Robbie, was in the stand with Jerry Ingram, of Johnson City, Tenn. Jerry, 52, has been…

Higher Learning… To Hunt

You may have seen a flurry of articles and news releases floating around lately referencing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s latest national survey. The survey reported a 16 percent decrease in hunting participation over the past five years, which is a monumental issue for wildlife conservation and the future of our hunting heritage. This…

Sam “The Bird Man” Fite

A worn 1976 Georgia license plate reads “RUFF61,” as a reminder of the previous 1975 ruffed grouse season in the Georgia mountains. It had been his best season ever with 61 birds. Not only is he a seasoned veteran, he’s also a seasoned backwoods philosopher. Seven decades of chasing the “big three” in Georgia has…

Great Marsh Shotgunning, Little Pressure

As the canoe pushed through some reeds in this coastal river marsh, birds exploded in all directions. “Shoot!” I yelled. “There’s another one. Fire! One stayed in the reeds. Here he comes. Shoot again.” In seconds, my son Steven pumped out three rounds from his Remington Model 870 20 gauge. More birds flushed from the…

The Freak: A Survivor’s Tale Part 4

By John Seginak and Brandon Adams The cool nights of spring seemed like a distant memory. The summer of 2013 was typical for Oglethorpe County—hot and humid days and little relief as the sun began to set. The soybeans were now 6 inches tall and growing daily. At least those that were not being eaten…

Hunt Advisor Reports November 2017

The 2017-2018 Georgia deer season began with a flurry of good bucks—the Truck-Buck contest saw an all-time record for the first week of bow season—but the action seemed to cool as the air temperatures warmed. During late September and the first of October, it was warm to hot, especially during the evenings, which is typically…

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