

The Quest For Blackbeard: Turkey Hunting Fiction Series

The large black gobbler came tip-toeing over the small rise like a perfectly balanced ballerina, zigzagging from side to side as if he were floating above the leaves on nothing but thin air. He took a few quick steps, paused, puffed up, and then continued his dainty toe-stepping ballet toward the unsuspecting decoy. His thick,…

Georgia VPA Properties Open Land To Hunting

One of the chief complaints of public-land hunters in Georgia, or any state for that matter, is the lack of available properties to hunt. The complaints are justified, considering that roughly 93 percent of Georgia is made up of privately held lands. The good news is that more and more of that private land is…

Coyote-Takers Calendar March

By Martin W. Duke and Renee’ Nolan Like a proverbial tick on a dog’s ear, similarly joined in biology are coyotes and cattle. With the shift that happens in our outdoor world when spring practically bangs on our doors, the coyote world enters a period of change. Mid-winter pecking-order fights and late-winter mating that make…

Coastal WMA Squirrels

Now that deer season is over and most of the turkeys are still too cold to gobble, it seems like the perfect time for hunters to kick back in the old lazy chair and hibernate until spring. But for Mark Williams, of Blackshear, kicking back in a recliner is the last thing on his mind.…

The Beat Of A Different Drum

One day on a creek bottom, a long, long time ago, I was working a stubborn old bird on a stretch of public land. He had gobbled plenty and had me believing he was going to show up soon. I was green and was completely at the mercy of this bird, but I knew enough…

VOTES: Good Deer Season, Baiting Law

Two pieces of data in last month’s GON Rate Your Season Survey suggest that Georgia deer hunting could be on the rebound. First off, of the 1,868 ballots sent to GON, 17.3 percent of respondents ranked their deer season as “Excellent,” which is the second-highest percentage of excellent rankings GON has on record since the…

Two Bears Killed On Middle Georgia Hunt

Jeff Mitchell had taken lots of game animals over the years, but when a black bear stepped out into the food plot at 6:05 p.m. on Jan. 13, it was something very special. He said he felt a quickened pulse and a nervousness in his fingers that he had not felt for several years of…

Truth In Nature Deer Hunt In Paulding County

On Saturday, Nov. 4, one of the Truth in Nature kids had a special deer hunt awarded to him. Truth in Nature is a Christian ministry based in Dallas, Ga. that shares Christ’s love in His creation with single-parent boys. Each year, Truth in Nature hosts an annual Cast & Blast where the boys qualify…

Georgia WMA Turkey Hunting Special 2018

Not only is Feb. 15 the last day to apply for a WMA turkey quota hunt, it’s that time of the year to start blocking off some vacation days in preparation for spring turkey season. This year’s turkey season kicks off on March 24 and will end on May 15. There’s also a special youth…

Middle Georgia Doe Leaves Legacy

Normally on the last hunt of my deer season, I reflect back on the season and try to analyze how things transpired and wrapped up. The 2017-18 season was a great one. I’ve seen lots of deer and many good bucks; the herd looks healthy and stable, with many button heads and doe fawns surviving…

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