They say one of the hardest things to do in sports is to hit a 90 mph fastball. The equivalent in outdoor sports would be to kill a mature whitetail buck with a bow and arrow. As challenging and difficult as that is, bagging a trophy big enough to qualify for the bowhunting record books…
Twelve youth will be shooting BBs to see who wins a $3,000 shopping spree from Adventure Outdoors in the GON Youth Big-Buck contest Shoot-Out on Friday, July 27 at the Outdoor Blast. The winning youth will also win a deer and hog hunt from our good friends at Woods-N-Water in Wrightsville. All 12 of our…
Another Georgia deer hunter will soon drive away from the Outdoor Blast in a new pickup truck after GON’s Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. We met the first half of the 2018 Shoot-Out field last month in the June issue of GON. This month we meet the winners from Weeks 9 through 17, plus our Runner-Up and Ladies…
Each summer, hunters begin to daydream about where they’ll be hunting in the fall. At the same time, clubs and landowners are busy making sure their lands will be hunted in the fall. For several decades, GON has distributed its annual Hunting Land Special in the July issue, hoping hunters, hunting clubs and landowners can…
The GON Coyote Cull is an effort to provide an incentive for hunters and trappers to get after coyotes during the time of year when fawns are dropping and hen turkeys are trying to nest and raise a brood of poults. Another goal of GON’s Coyote Cull is to raise awareness about the damaging impact…
By Martin W. Duke and Renee Nolan Coyote behavior is interesting, and one of my goals in writing this calendar, while chronicling seasonal hunting tips and tactics, is to also share certain anticipated wildlife behaviors based on the time of the year. Most of us approach predator hunting from an altruistic perspective and hope that…
In the nightmare, terror is just behind and gaining. Big, eight-ball black and much too close, the roaring mass with teeth and jaws popping and claws swiping, steadily closes the distance. There’s seemingly no escape: attempting to run—even for your life—as if in deep water is a dire, daunting, even hopeless task. The only hope…
An executive order signed by Gov. Nathan Deal in April took the Northern Zone deer baiting hot potato away from the state legislature and handed it to DNR. Now the Board is preparing to act on a DNR proposal that makes hunting deer over bait with no distance restriction legal for all private-land hunters in…
Here were feature the 42 weekly winners and wildcard winners from the 2017-18 Truck-Buck contest. In the annual “How The Weeks Were Won” articles, you can learn more about the hunters and the bucks that earned them their spots in the Shoot-Out. The Shoot-Out is GON’s annual pellet rifle competition where we’ll award two grand…
For the next two issues of GON, we’re going to be featuring the 42 weekly and wildcard winners from the 2017-18 Truck-Buck contest. In the annual “How The Weeks Were Won” articles, you can learn more about the hunters and the bucks that earned them their spots in the Shoot-Out. The Shoot-Out is GON’s annual…