

Fish Live Bait And Artificials For Juliette’s Christmas Stripers

Imagine that you are slowing drifting with live gizzard shad when several stripers start pounding the surface in a feeding frenzy only 20 yards away. Do you try to troll through the stripers, or do you pull out your surface lure and make a long cast into the fish? When opportunity knocks, it’s often best…

Fish Weiss For Big December Spotted Bass

All I want for Christmas is two big bass! And if they are magnum spots, that is even better. Weiss is not always the first lake to come to mind for anglers who desire big spots, but there are a lot of 3- and 4-pounders feeding shallow during December at Weiss. Coosa spotted bass are…

November Seatrout On The Georgia Coast

Far and away the most popular fish on the Georgia coast is the spotted sea-trout. There is a good reason for it to be No. 1. It’s the most abundant and cooperative fish on the coast, and the creel limit of 15 fish means that you can bring home a lot of filets. October and…

Oconee Lake Record Longnose Gar

Keith Hoston holds the current longnose gar record with an 18-lb., 13-oz. fish he caught on Nov. 10, 2015.

Warmouth On The Okefenokee

The line went tight moments after a perfect pitch to the base of a cypress tree where it met the tea-colored water’s surface. As I set the hook, the line rung out like an old, taut guitar string that had waited to be played. On the other end of my line was an opponent only…

Sinclair Fall Bass On The Drawdown

Georgia Power is drawing down Lake Sinclair about 4 1/2 feet this fall and winter. Plans are for the lake to remain lowered until the end of November. If that makes you worry about fishing there in November, stop your worrying. The bass fishing will be better than it has been in a long while—since…

High School Bass Teams Compete For B.A.S.S. State Championship At Hartwell

The top high school bass anglers from across the state earn the right to fish the B.A.S.S. High School Nation (BHSN) State Classic, held Oct. 17-18 at Lake Hartwell. To qualify for the State Classic, high school anglers had to finish in the top 10 at one of four qualifier tournaments. 

Fish Shallow Hydrilla For Eufaula’s Fall Bass

Jaci Skipper cast her Lew’s baitcaster reel loaded with an Ultra Vibe Speed Worm into a stiff 10-15 mph wind at Lake Eufaula. The worm zipped out as though it was being cast by a seasoned fishing pro. But Jaci is only 17 years old and a student at Rehobeth High School in Dothan, Ala.…

Lake Oconee Bass Moving Shallow With The Shad

Diehard bass fishermen love October. Pleasure boaters are mostly off the lakes, so you don’t rock and roll all day while fishing. A lot of part-time fishermen are in the woods hunting or stuck in front of a TV watching football, so there is a lot less pressure on the bass. Lake Oconee is a…

Big-Stick Stripers On Top at Nottely

“Bum bum bum bum bum bum,” went the unwavering staccato drumbeat of the sawed-off wooden curtain rod that Jeremy Seabolt tap-tap-tapped off the floor of his 238 skiff. He was hunkered down on his driver’s perch intently watching his digital reconnaissance on his graph as he drummed. If you want to catch stripers at Nottely,…

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