Of all the outdoor experiences my mother, now 86, enjoyed the most, it was watching a cork disappear as a slab crappie grabbed the minnow at the end of the line. As is normal procedure, I check in on her every few days, and she wanted to know what I’d been doing. “Catching crappie,” I…
“A week, maybe two—six months tops if you’re lucky,” the doctor said. “Lucky?” the man responded. “I’ve never been lucky in my life. Why start now?” “I’m sorry, but your condition is untreatable,” the doctor explained. “It’s too far advanced now. We can’t do much for you except give you some drugs to lessen…
Lake Lanier is known for its magnum spots and a great winter ditch bite. It’s true that in December lots of Lanier bass are moving into the ditches, but they can also be caught on rocky points near the coves, on boat docks, and there are many fish still on main-lake brushpiles. There is a…
The Coastal Resources Division of DNR on Wednesday asked the state Board of Natural Resources to require anglers to use non-offset, corrodible, non-stainless-steel circle hooks when fishing for all species of sharks in state waters, except when using flies or artificial lures. This circle-hook regulation is in addition to requests made in September that the…
While the winter months may not be widely known for exceptional bass fishing, this is actually one of the best times of the year to catch the biggest bass of your life. The spawn is still several months away, but the big females know it’s on the horizon, and they’re hard-wired to start their annual…
You don’t have to ride to the north Georgia mountains to fish for rainbow trout this winter. WRD Fisheries has stocked approximately 700 rainbow trout at the Go Fish Education Center in Perry. The Go Fish Education Center is operated by WRD and is a key part to the Go Fish Georgia Initiative. The Center’s facilities, programs…
Kayak fishing is the new craze. If you’re on the lake, it’s hard to find a stretch of docks without at least a half-dozen small plastic boats stored away. Walk into a department store that sells anything remotely outdoorsy, and you’ll soon find yourself standing in the shadow of a kayak or two. Kayaks are…
If you can’t find something to shoot or catch in the state of Georgia during the month of November, then you may want to turn in the old sportsman’s license and try another hobby. Never are there so many options available to outdoorsmen as now. Deer, ducks, hogs and a host of other furry critters…
The southeast Georgia coast is a great fishery. A string of barrier islands are home to lush marshes that spread for miles over the estuary. The variety and numbers of fish living here is impressive. The only problem for some anglers is that this area is relatively inaccessible if you don’t have a boat. Bank…