

Canoochee River Offers Redbreast Quality & Numbers

If anywhere is blessed with river fishing opportunities like that of south Georgia, I haven’t heard of the place, and if it does exist, I’m looking to buy property there. It’s true, no matter where you are in the southern portion of the state, some great river fishing is never far away. Altamaha, Ogeechee, Flint,…

Report Tagged Catfish On Satilla River

A blue catfish tagging project on the Satilla River is underway, and Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) researchers need your help. Discovered in this waterway a few years ago, fisheries managers hope to use this study to learn more about this non-native species and better assess its impact. “As a large…

August Bass On Lake Oconee

Head to Lake Oconee this month if you are tired of dredging the depths for summertime bass. There is always a good shallow bite at Oconee, especially for quality bass. Target grassbeds, seawalls and rocks to catch them. However, if you like probing the depths, you can catch Oconee bass that way, too. Lake Oconee…

Georgians Win Bassmaster Junior Championship On Lake Hartwell

Kale Temple and Luke Schnell were only 4 ounces out of the Day 1 lead at the 2023 Bassmaster Junior National Championship, so they knew a good finish on Lake Hartwell might lock up the tournament title for them. It did. Temple and Schnell, who compete for the Hart County Junior Anglers, closed the gap…

WRD Fisheries Expands Program To Get More People Fishing

License sales are the lifeblood of state wildlife agencies. The money derived from the sales of fishing licenses is multiplied by federal matching funds based on the number of fishing licenses sold. That money is then used for everything the agency does from stocking fish to upkeep on equipment. Georgia WRD Fisheries has put into…

Fishing Seminars At Outdoor Blast

There’s a great spot at the Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast to take a comfortable seat, watch fish in a giant 4,000 gallon tank, and learn some new tips and techniques for your next trip to the water while you relax. Experts on a variety of types of fishing for a variety of species will be teaching…

Georgia SCI Hosts Wounded Warriors For Annual Fishing Weekend

The Georgia Chapter of Safari Club International (SCI) hosted 31 Purple Heart recipients during its annual Wounded Veterans Fishing Weekend at Lake Lanier July 7-9.  Georgia SCI has hosted the event for more than a decade, providing a full weekend of fishing and fun on Lake Lanier for wounded veterans and their guests. The three-day event,…

Winder-Barrow High-School Fishing Team Places High In World Championship

On June 21, 309 high-school bass fishing teams from all over the U.S. blasted off on the Mississippi River at La Crosse, Wisconsin to compete for $3.3 million dollars in scholarships. The National High School Fishing World Finals tournament was open to any high-school team wanting to enter, and there was no entry fee. Georgia…

5-Foot Allatoona Gar Almost Breaks State Record

The record for longnose gar on Lake Allatoona was smashed last week by angler Caleb McClure. The huge fish was just shy of 5 feet long and weighed 27.25 pounds. Caleb caught the gar while fishing with his friend Trent Hall. “We were fishing right next to Sweetwater Campground in an area that we knew…

Ogeechee River Redbreast Light Up In July

Born and raised on the banks of the Satilla River, I will admit that I’m more than a little biased when it comes to my favorite river. Heck, a week ago I’d tell you another river couldn’t come close to the Satilla in terms of a redbreast fishery. All that changed last month on my…

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