

Summertime Tailrace Stripers

It’s that time of year again; the middle of summer in Georgia. Temperatures are soaring, the humidity is stifling and it is often downright uncomfortable to be outside. For us anglers it can be even worse. The reservoirs are packed with fun seekers on watercraft of virtually every description, and it is often difficult to…

Lay Down Your Misconceptions, Pick Up A Fly Rod!

I find that as I’m out on the water or anywhere that fly fishing might come up in conversation, I’m consistently running across people who have a lot of incorrect assumptions about my favorite pasttime. And it just so happens that there’s just not really a whole heck of a lot to write about regarding…

Summer Nights Are Right For Carters Spotted Bass

All across north Georgia, there has been an explosion of big spotted bass in lakes where blueback herring have been introduced. The spots have taken to these open-water baitfish and have grown fat and heavy. Carters Lake was one of the first to see this change, and it is still one of our best lakes…

Lake Burton Brown Trout During The “Trout Days” Of Summer

The summer of 2006 is turning out to be extremely hot and unusually dry…. not exactly the kind of weather conditions that one dreams about for trout fishing. But, the hotter the air temperature, the better trout fishing becomes on north Georgia’s Lake Burton. In fact, because trout fishing can really heat up on Lake…

Beachfront Seatrout

I had meticulously calculated tides, checked sunrise times, and pored over my fishing log trying to choose a time that would maximize our chance of catching the seatrout bite just right to have a triple-digit day. The unknown variable was wind, but I had even rearranged my schedule to allow four days where the tide…

The Santee Cooper Catfish Experience

There are hunting and fishing experiences that are talked about so often that they begin to tempt even a deep-rooted Georgian. Whitetails in Canada, doves in South America, catfish in South Carolina… Catfish? In South Carolina? Yes, for me it has long been the giant catfish of Santee Cooper that have been a temptation. Quite…

Ready For A Georgia Kingfish Tournament

Tournament—there’s something about that word that gets the blood moving in many anglers. The competition, the recognition, the camaraderie, and the possible winning purse all combine to make tournament fishing something special. Many bass anglers have fished in tournaments, from local club events all the way up to FLW and B.A.S.S. sanctioned affairs. But until the…

Trout Fly of the Month – July

Flying Ant Recipe Hook: TMC 100 (Sizes 12-22) Gaster (Back “Ball”): Black Superfine Dubbing Wings: Dark Dun Hackle Tips Thorax: Brown Dry Fly Hackle Head: Black Superfine Dubbing Fishing Tips Although terrestrials (ants, beetles, grass hoppers, crickets, et cetera) are available year around, they are most prominent during the warm summer months.  Those same pesky,…

Spot Removers And Crankbaits: New Tricks For Clarks Hill Bass

Craig Johnson is one of the most confident anglers I’ve ever had the pleasure of being in the boat with. “I can put the camera down there and show you 50 fish. You can sit there for three hours and not have a bite and then all of a sudden they turn on and you…

Go Deep For Weiss Summer Bass

You read it right, “Go Deep for Weiss Summer Bass.” If you are familiar with this 30,000-acre impoundment of the Coosa River on the Georgia/Alabama border near Rome that might sound a little strange. Lake Weiss has a reputation, among those who know it, of being shallow; sometimes dangerously so. This lake has claimed many…

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