Fishing Reports
Eufaula: Level: 1.8 feet below full pool. Temp: 51-57 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Good. Eufaula guide Billy Darby says the bass should start moving up into the hydrilla to bed this month as water temps approach 60 degrees and warmer. The prespawn cruising fish can be picked up with crankbaits on the points or by…
Clarks Hill: Level: 4.6 feet low. Temp: 50 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Great. Look for fish to follow the ditches into shallower water. Jeremy Altman targets ditches 10 to 20 feet deep with hydrilla nearby. He’ll throw a Ditch Blade in the ditches and a Mop Jig onto grassy flats near the ditches. Don’t be…
Carters: Level: Fluctuating between full and just above full. Temp: 46-47 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Good. Buddy Callahan at Bart’s Bait and Tackle said Carters had a good shad kill, but that action is winding down. “It’s taking 13 pounds to win, and a jig bite is as good as anything,” said Buddy. “You’ll still…
Burton: Level: 5.6 feet below full pool. Temp: 50 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: March is traditionally a great month on Burton, according to Daniel Workman. “This time of year, you need a crankbait, a jigging spoon and a worm,” he said. “The bass will be following the bait, which will be ganged up in big…
Blue Ridge: Level: 16.4 feet below full pool. Temp: 50 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: John Hembree said a No. 5 Shad Rap in Tennessee Shad is an excellent crankbait in March on Blue Ridge for both smallmouths and largemouths. “This time of year, I would stay out on rocky, main-lake points.” This is also the…
Blackshear: Level: Full pool. Temp: Low 50s. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Slow. Cold weather in February kept most of the fish in deeper water, but as the prespawn progresses the bass will be moving up onto the first, deeper cypress trees and under docks in the creeks and along the main lake. Scott Holland says a…
Allatoona: Level: Down 11.6 feet below full pool. Temp: 44-47 degrees. Clarity: Mostly clear. Bass: February was a tough month on Allatoona, according to guide Mike Bucca. “Most of February I concentrated on the deep, rocky points and steeper banks ranging from 20 to 30 feet with both the spoon and the drop shot,” Mike…
West Point: Level: 5.5 feet below full pool. Temp: Upper 40s. Clarity: The backs of the creeks are stained. Bass: Slow. James Scoggin was on the lake Saturday, January 27 and said it was tough. James doesn’t look for much improvement, either, until the water warms up. “We caught a few fish on spoons, jigs…
Weiss: Level: 4.7 feet below full pool. Temp: 48 degrees. Clarity: Stained. Bass: Slow. A January 27 tournament out of J.R.’s was reportedly won with six pounds, and many anglers pulled out and left early. According to Weiss guide Mark Collins, the bass are still deep, hanging on the river ledges in Little River and…