
Fishing Reports

West Point Lake Fishing Report – July 2018

West Point: Level: 0.4 feet above full pool. Temp: Mid 80s. Clarity: Moderate stain. Bass: Fair. Guide Keith Hudson reports, “With the lake still at full pool so far this summer, topwater baits such as Spro Frogs, Chug Bugs, Whopper Ploppers, Senkos and buzzbaits can still be effective for shallow and aggressive postspawn fish, especially around bream beds…

Lake Weiss Fishing Report July 2018

Weiss: Level: 0.1 feet low. Temp: Mid 80s. Clarity: Slight stain. Bass: Guide and tournament pro Mike Carter reports, “The hot summer months are here, and Lake Weiss has gotten into it’s summer bass patterns, which include focusing on the deeper areas of the lake. The early morning and late evening bite is still consistent…

Lake Sinclair Fishing Report July 2018

Sinclair: Level: 1.2 feet low. Temp: Mid to upper 80s. Clarity: Clear on the main lake, stained up Little River, especially after heavy rains. Bass: Tournament angler Karl Pingry reports, “Fishing at Sinclair is fairly tough. The Carolina rig and crankbait bites have never really materialized. The best bet is topwater early, then start flipping…

Lake Seminole Fishing Report July 2018

Seminole: Level: 0.7 feet low. Temp: High 80s. Clarity: Slightly stained. Bass: Guide Aaron Crews reports, “Fishing on Lake Seminole is in the summertime slow mode. Locating fish in the summer can be frustrating. Follow the basics that 90 percent of the fish are in 10 percent of the lake. Rule No. 1 is to…

Georgia Saltwater Fishing Report July 2018

Saltwater: Inshore: Capt. Judy Helmey reports, “During the month of July, inshore fishing can be steady. For those inshore fishermen who just want to catch fish, I suggest purchasing or catching some live shrimp. This is the No. 1 bait that all fish like. Your chances for hooking up when baiting up with live shrimp are very good.…

Lake Russell Fishing Report July 2018

Russell: Level: 0.4 feet low. Temp: 85-89 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Jerry Kotal reports, “The bass are right on the summertime patterns. They’re out on humps, off the ends of long points and in brushpiles. You can catch them in 20 to 40 feet of water. You can catch them on drop shots, shaky heads,…

Lake Oconee Fishing Report July 2018

Oconee: Level: 0.3 feet low. Temp: High 80s. Clarity: Slightly stained above I-20, but that is subject to change with the thunderstorms. The rest of Lake Oconee is clear. Bass: Tournament angler Karl Pingry reports, “The best bites are fishing the mayfly hatch if you can find it or fishing extremely shallow the morning after…

Lake Nottely Fishing Report July 2018

Nottely: Level: 1.6 feet above full. Temp: 83 degrees. Clarity: Clear in the lake, stained in the river. Linesides: Guide Jeremy Seabolt reports, “We are starting to see the fish school up in bigger schools everyday. We have been catching fish everywhere in the morning. We have been pulling weighed freelines until the sun comes…

Lake Lanier Fishing Report July 2018

Lanier: Level: 1.5 feet above full pool. Temp: Low to mid 80s. Clarity: Clear. Spotted Bass: Tournament angler and guide Ryan Coleman reports, “Fishing is excellent right now. The topwater bite has been wide open for weeks and should remain for a while longer. Also, the jig bite out on the humps and reefs is…

Lake Jackson Fishing Report July 2018

Jackson: Level: Full. Temp: High 80s. Clarity: Clear to slightly stained. Bass: Tournament angler Keith Dawkins reports, “The fish have moved into summer patterns on Jackson. For main-lake fishing, start your morning fishing on flats and banks with seawalls or blowdowns. Use a 1/2-oz. white buzzbait or a Pop-R. Once the sun comes up, concentrate…

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