

Spy Cam – December 2016

Send your pics to GON Spy-Cam, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650. Include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Digital photos and caption info can be e-mailed to [email protected].

Hunter’s Journal – December 2016

By Vinny Himes I hadn’t picked up a bow in 12 years due to a compound fracture of my left shoulder blade and a fractured and severely dislocated right shoulder. My buddy Jordan McGee came by the house in July for a cookout and had his bow in the truck. We got to messing around, and I asked…

Letters To The Editor: December 2016

Giving A Helping Hand At Piedmont NWR Dear GON, In the October GON, I saw the article about the wheelchair hunt that was going to happen at Piedmont NWR. I saw they needed volunteers, so I contacted their office and signed up. What a great experience it was! I was able to get hooked up…

Days GON By December 2016

Each month we turn back the clock to see what was being reported in the pages of GON, both 20 and 10 years ago. Here’s a look back at what appeared in GON.  20 Years Ago: December 1996 Deer Decoy Nabbed!: An opening weekend deer decoy detail in Lincoln County—aimed at catching night hunters­—instead caught…

A Drone Of My Own

Although I well know that scenarios of the following sort happen to no one else on the planet besides me, attempt, if you will, to wrap your thinker around this… It’s been a long day, having left middle Georgia before first light and driving nearly 300 miles round trip back to my driveway—in which sits…

Editorial-Opinion December 2016

I am old enough to recall the assassination of John Kennedy. I know exactly where I was when I heard the news. I was in a classroom in North Cobb High School. Officials at the school chose to withhold the news until just at the end of the day, when they made the announcement to…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – December 2016

The Hall of Shame column is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators Irwin County: On Nov. 20, 2015, Cpl. John Stokes received a call about someone shooting at night off Black Gum Road…

Kids Outdoor Outpost – December 2016

North GA Wildfires Last month, in early November, three separate forest fires erupted in north Georgia. Fires in Floyd, Fannin and Rabun counties threatened lives, homes, forest land and wildlife in our state.  It has been a “perfect storm” for forest fires with no measurable rain in most of our state since late August. This…

GON Kids – December 2016

While most Georgia hunters were hanging out in the deer woods the weekend of Nov. 11-13 looking for a rutting buck, DNR didn’t let the weekend go by without hosting another one of its Hunt and Learn programs designed to engage youth and their parents in hunting. The Nov. 11-13 program was for rabbit hunting.…

Realtree Kids Scrapbook – November 2016

Send us a picture of your GON Realtree Outdoor Kid! Email photo and caption info to [email protected]. Please include child’s name and hometown, age, and details on their catch or harvest.          

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