Reader Suggests The Only Good Rattlesnake Is A… Dear GON, Just dropping you another note of thanks. This time to Daryl Kirby regarding the excellent editorial in the new October edition. I have been a loyal subscriber for years, and sure there are articles on subject matter of which I don’t participate or care for,…
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The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and resources from game and fish law violators. Toombs County: The following report was written and submitted by DNR Law Enforcement. On Nov. 11, 2018, Game Warden First…
Strangely enough, even after all these years, it was something I’d never seen beside a dove field. There’s probably not a brand of tractor or combine or harrow or tedder or bush hog or hay mower or… you get the drift… that I haven’t shot over or around. But an airplane? It was sitting there…
No October Dove Season A Real Bummer For Some Dear GON, In planning for the 2019 dove season, I planted and irrigated browntop millet in July with the expectation of cutting and shooting in October. When the new hunting dates were published, I learned there is not to be an October season. When and how…
E-mail your pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.
Glen Solomon Will Be Missed Dear GON, I have always enjoyed reading anything that Glen Solomon has written for GON over the years. He has always made me think of the way hunting and fishing was meant to be done. I can tell he puts in the time and just does it the old fashioned…
“She ain’t got no rang on her fanger…” “Yeah, Jake, but…” “Ah don’t thank she’s sweet on that there feller a’settin’ aside her, neither…” “Yeah, but look…” “He’s just a’grinnin’ and making words with everybody what walks by and ain’t payin’ her no tantion a’tall.” “That’s his job…” “She’s one a’ them straw-haired wimmens, too,…