On The Shoulders Of Giants With Andrew Curtis

This past deer season I was called to help track a buck that a young girl had shot while hunting with her dad. The deer had dropped in its tracks, but then dragged itself into a nearby ditch, effectively preventing a good follow-up shot. The blood trail was initially good but then dwindled to one…
Read MoreThe thought of artificial intelligence scares me. First of all, I just don’t understand it. I never will. I never want to. As more and more people are leaning on technology and becoming completely and hopelessly dependent on it, I find myself yearning to take a step back away from it all. I find comfort…
Read MoreMy GON blog is called “On the Shoulders of Giants.” I try to live my life giving thanks to the men and women who have become “giants” in my life, those who live by example, lift me up and motivate me to be a better person. Some are living; some are not. Some I have…
Read MoreOne of my grandfather’s final requests over 22 years ago was: “Never, ever sell the farm in Naylor.” Shady Grove Farm outside of Naylor, Georgia in Lanier County has been in my family for more than 200 years. That’s an impressive amount of time considering we live in the days of money-driven land auctions which…
Read MoreI was recently telling an older fella about my boys catching bugs and frogs and crawfish and anything else in the outdoors that they could get their hands on. I was still laughing, just thinking of the fun they had, when the man said in a deep tone, “You know, that sure is good for…
Read MoreI have a distinct memory from when I was 5 years old. My grandfather and I walked down to the dock at his house on Lake Oconee on a hot August day in 1990. I had my push-button reel and my Snoopy lifejacket on as I watched my grandfather pop up the top of the…
Read MoreThe dark, matching shed antlers rest on my fireplace mantle. Dust has accumulated on the tines from years of sitting in the house. They are not the largest set of sheds I have ever found, but they are some of the most special to me. They come from a time in my life when my…
Read More“Fishing. That’s one thing I’m looking forward to when I retire from the Navy. Fishing.” My cousin looked at me with longing in his eyes. “Will you take me fishing on the Alapaha?” This question came from a United States Naval Academy graduate and recent commander of the guided missile destroyer USS The Sullivans, but…
Read MoreCorn. It seems more and more are using it to hunt over or just to have at feeding stations. You can buy it in any town year-round. It’s affordable. It goes in feeders that can dispense for weeks. It can be stored for months. And boy does it attract deer. Baiting with corn is one…
Read MoreIt’s a difference in perspective. It’s a difference in generations. If you asked me, I would tell you that quail hunting was for the wealthy, more of a status symbol than an actual hunting activity per se. My father-in-law, however, would tell you that it was a poor man’s game back in his day. Why…
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