Leave Nothing In The Tank

Today I get to publish a blog I’ve never been allowed to write. Until now… My wife and I were sitting in church one Sunday in 2018 and a man spoke on fostering children. God had been dealing with both of us individually on this subject for several years. It was on that Sunday that…
Read MoreI had a sad day recently. A piece of property that I’ve hunted for 10 years sold, and along with it went some fantastic deer hunting. A powerline runs through it that is a highway for whitetails. Over the years, I’ve killed several nice bucks and plenty of hamburger on that right-of-way. I believe that…
Read MoreToday I hit 50. The half-century mark has caused me to reflect on what I’ve done—and haven’t done—in the way of hunting over the years. I’ve been to Iowa and killed a nice buck with my bow. I’ve shot an impala in South Africa and doves in Mexico. I’ve hunted all over this great state…
Read MoreThere’s an old saying I was raised around: “If mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.” Well, that pretty much holds true for a partnership between a hired trapper and a landowner, although I’m not too sure who plays mama more… I haven’t been trapping as long as most of the guys I’ve been blessed to meet…
Read MoreI knew it was gonna happen. Tyler Jordan, son of Realtree President Bill Jordan, kills the No. 2 typical bow buck of the 2022 Georgia season and GON releases the story earlier this week. Here’s two of the comments that came from the GON Instagram page: “Privileged hunter in a controlled hunt. Definitely not fair…
Read MoreHer name is Lauren. And that’s where my story starts. In October 2002, she was 11 years old. The little girl from Morgan County grew up on a farm but had never done any hunting. I spent a lot of time in my high school and college years on that same farm so I had…
Read MoreI recently excepted an invite to spend 90 minutes with some high-school students at St. John Bosco Academy in Cumming. The subject was one of my favorites: coyote trapping. You know you love it when there’s no notes or outline needed to prepare. Just be there, run my mouth about a God-given passion and show…
Read MoreI was running my trap line one morning recently when the phone rang. “Ready to come get this stuff?” my buddy asked. I whirled around and five minutes later I was standing in a barn drooling over a workbench full of trapping gear. My friend’s dad passed away some months back, and he knew I…
Read MoreA few weeks ago we finished up our very last issue of Alabama Outdoor News—GON‘s sister publication for 15 years. For that decade and a half, our staff in Madison worked with a number of folks in Alabama to produce those pages. So what am I going to miss about AON? Simple. The people. My favorite…
Read MoreMiddle school football season is about gone, but I did hear another good one the other evening. Lady No. 1 says to Lady No. 2 that our team had just made it inside the “red zone,” even sharing that NFL announcers refer to teams being inside the red zone all the time. The ball was…
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