The Shotgun

It was one of those spur-of-the-moment, mostly impulsive things we do every day that seem so insignificant at the time but they turn out to change our lives. I had driven by the pawn shop a million times and never stopped. For some reason, the big sign out front with “Guns” written on it in…

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Tom Cooper’s Silver Bullet Buck

Tom Cooper was living in Lilburn and was 33 years old when a chance happening in the Georgia deer woods changed his life forever.  On the morning of Nov. 24, 1974, he set out alone in the cold darkness, driving toward public land for a typical day in the woods. As an avid deer hunter,…

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Cohutta’s John Roy Brackett Passes

He was buried in his camo shirt and work overalls with a cigar in his pocket. If he’d had his way, they probably would have buried him with his 50-year-old Willys Jeep that still runs like a charm.  John Roy Brackett, of Cisco, well-known locally for his lifetime of hunting exploits, passed away quietly at…

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A Hero’s Buck: Littlejohn’s Lamar County Giant

The oldest son on a family of four boys, Gary Littlejohn grew up in Lamar County, just outside of Barnesville, in the tiny community of Milner. “Dinky,” as he was known to his younger brothers and friends, spent many a happy boyhood day roaming the woods in and around his home.  According to his younger…

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Frank Pritchard’s Jasper County Monarch

Frank Pritchard chased big bucks across Georgia for most of his adult life. He began practicing trophy management long ago before it was the “in” thing to do.  Fifty years ago, Frank shot a massive non-typical buck in Jasper County that sported a rack with 22 points. By every standard, it should have qualified for…

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The Bone-Crusher Buck From Coweta

It had been a slow morning for Douglas Freeman. After several hours in his portable stand, he decided to climb down and do a little walking.  “I reached the edge of a large corn field that had been cut several weeks earlier. A lot of scattered corn was still on the ground, and some deer…

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Arthur Woody’s Native Turkeys

Arthur Woody had a lifelong passion for his mountain turkeys. Next to his beloved deer and trout, wild turkeys were the most important game animal in Ranger Woody’s life. He hunted them as a boy, and during the 1920s and ’30s, at the height of his restoration program with deer, he worked hard to try…

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The Quest For Blackbeard: Turkey Hunting Fiction Series

The large black gobbler came tip-toeing over the small rise like a perfectly balanced ballerina, zigzagging from side to side as if he were floating above the leaves on nothing but thin air. He took a few quick steps, paused, puffed up, and then continued his dainty toe-stepping ballet toward the unsuspecting decoy. His thick,…

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