Honorable Mentions

Flip backwards amongst all these pages and somewhere you’ll trip across what I writ concerning Sam Muzayen. Which is about half of what I wanted to write, but other folks hereabouts is better at this than I is so they has to have their pages, too. Editorial Capacity Supervisory Specialist (I just made that up!)…

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Quitting Is For The Enemy

Normally, this is a period fraught with chaos. Never mind the ever-present and who-knows-how-deep black water, claustrophobic brush, vines and briers clawing and ripping; just hurry as best you can. Hounds are roaring out of their minds, hunters sloshing, tripping, bleeding, pushing on… Because some 987 interminable yards into the Okefenokee Swamp, a bear is…

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Look At It My Way

That I have an overactive imagination plus an abhorrence to being forced to sit still among fellow humans are not up for debate. My mind literally whirls; and my feet want to, even when they can’t. Amazing that I can perch in a TomCat literally for hours in perfect contentment; but surrounded in a doctor’s…

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Don’t Sit Still – Late-Season Moves For Bucks

December now, over half the whitetail season behind us, and yours is likely in one of three phases: full freezer, still waiting on that ONE—or cluelessly wondering where all the deer have gone. In the latter case, think maybe it might be time for a change? I’ve watched the evolution of Georgia deer hunting from…

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Nothing’s Easy Here

Somewhere out there in these 438,000 soggy, hide-ripping acres there’s got to be at least one EASY bear. You know, lazy, sloppy fat, slow, mild demeanor, half asleep, pacifist at heart: “You horrid old hounds really shouldn’t be nipping at me and acting so silly with all that yammering. I’m just going to sit right…

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Georgia Hunter Profile – Meet Eddie Biggers

“Occasionally,” Eddie Biggers says with a smile, “my wife will tell me that I just need to go to my room. That’s not altogether a bad thing.” He’s been married to his bride, Melinda, for 41 years now; long enough for her to know what a place of peace that room is. Walk into it,…

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Jake Chairs An ESM

The machinations of a magazine colossus are wondrous things. GON ain’t quite reached them epic proportions just yet, but we’re working on it. I can, however, give you a brief insight into our inner workings, as well as the answer to a question I am frequently asked: “Where in the world do you come up…

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Volleying Vocabulary

Today, class, we’re going to focus on: Fill In The Blank(s). So open those eyes and crank up the ol’ brainbox. Back in the early days of outdoor writing and, especially, pulp westerns, authors were large on naming folks like B___, L___ or T___.  I’ve read a million of ‘em; you’d be rolling right along…

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Whitetail Hunting At Its Simplest And Best

  (Odyssey: a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune.) The thought that one day I would hang up my guns and hunt no more has never presented itself. A man does not live long lacking the very essence of life; for me, the hunt is that essence. Hunt, mind you.…

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Canine Conundrum

Once in a great while I find my head being turned “not once but twice,” as the old Irish saying goes. Unlike the Irish, what turns my head is almost always a dog. Since my massive ol’ pal Tramp went west, I’ve shied away from what can quickly turn into painful entanglement. Look once… then…

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