

DNR Implements Monthly Furloughs For Employees Except EPD

In tough economic times, decreased revenues at the state level have trickled down. A lack of funding is putting a squeeze on DNR, and the latest spending cut is mandatory furloughs for all DNR employees, except for employees with the Environmental Protection Division (EPD). DNR Commissioner Chris Clark said his department is looking at a…

South Georgia PFA Summer Slam

Editor’s Note: An edited version appeared in the June 2009 issue of GON. This is the uncut version. It’s kick-off time for my PFA Summer Slam. Every summer I’ll take a week to hit my favorite PFAs. I’m going spank those waters to a mono froth. My wife, Cindy, will be joining me, so watch…

West Point Lake Record Striped Bass

A new lake record for striped bass on West Point Lake was set on May 24, 2009 when Daniel Eldridge boated a 35-lb., 8-oz. fish. Daniel, who lives in Thomaston, said he was fishing with a cut bait — a bream — when the big striper hit. West Point was traditionally a very good hybrid…

Douglas Angler Catches And Eats Uncertified 18 1/2-pound Bass

The catch-and-release purists might want to take a seat for this one… On May 14, a Douglas angler caught a largemouth bass from a 50-acre Jeff Davis County farm pond that pulled a set of hand-held digital scales to 18-lbs., 8-ozs. If certified scales had taken that weight, there would be a new No. 2…

CCA Calls For Balanced Approach To Red Snapper Crisis

In late 2006, Congress passed a significantly strengthened Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Management and Conservation Act, the overriding piece of legislation that guides federal fisheries management. Among other progressive provisions, the new law required managers to end overfishing by 2010. Only a year later, a stock assessment for South Atlantic red snapper, the first modern stock assessment…

DNR Busts Up Laurens, Dodge Poaching Ring

This week DNR Law Enforcement busted up an extensive poaching ring in Dodge and Laurens counties and served seven individuals with warrants on 113 poaching-related charges. “In my 28 years with DNR Law Enforcement, I have worked a lot of cases, and I have never seen anything like it,” said Section Supervisor Sgt. Keith Byers.…

Lake Burton Full Moon Bull Bream

Each year, beneath the light of summer’s first full moon, huge honeycombs of saucer-shaped depressions appear in Lake Burton’s sandy shallows. These are the storied bluegill breeding grounds, and each bed is fiercely guarded by huge purple-browed papa bream that will attack anything that gets near their nests. Burton’s bream spawn lasts from May through…

Jugging For Weiss Catfish

While fishing Weiss Lake typically puts thoughts of slab crappie and big striped bass in most anglers’ minds, there are a lot of big catfish many sport-fishermen overlook. A lot of people have probably caught catfish on accident when fishing this lake nestled just west of the Georgia-Alabama border, but if you target them, there…

West Point’s Downlake Lineside Bite

There’s no doubt that amongst the beautiful scenery of West Point Lake there’s a huge population of hungry, eager and hard-fighting linesides. And, as the weather continues to warm this month, the action should only get hotter, according West Point Lake angler and part-time guide Todd Pursley. Now that the crowded spring striper and hybrid…

Fort Stewart Ponds Produce Giant Bass

The mystique of truly giant bass swimming below the surface of a collection of small lakes has long lured anglers to southeast Georgia. These waters may be small, but they have produced untold numbers of 10-lb. and better bass, and a remarkable number of bass better than 14 pounds. GON’s list of Georgia’s Biggest Bass…

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