

BPI Outdoors: A ‘Georgia’s Own’ Company

When you grow up with a passion for hunting and fishing, maybe, just maybe—if you’re lucky—you might end up working and earning a living in the outdoor industry. A love for the outdoors puts its hooks in some of us, creating a desire to do it for a living. But to earn a paycheck in…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – September 2024

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. Appling County: On Oct. 23, 2023, Game Warden Dylan Bennett was conducting surveillance in the area of Hunter Road in Appling County.…

Come November: Charlie’s Fabulous Opening Day

It took Dace a good 30 minutes to field-dress Charlie’s doe. She made him go slow because she wanted it done right. We had walked out to the edge of the soybean field and around to one side where we found the doe piled up about 20 yards inside the woods. As the three of…

2024 WMA Bowhunting Special

This may be a record. We’ve got 142 WMAs, state parks or VPAs that hosted public-land bowhunts last year. Some are headliners—like Flint River and Sapelo—but some of them are obscure, small tracts you probably have never heard of. Where is Echeconnee Creek anyway? OK, so last year we had a pink elephant. Sapelo Island’s…

Spy Cam – September 2024

Email pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Or mail to GON Spy-Cam, PO Box 1589, Watkinsville, GA 30677.          

Coming Home

From where I live in southwest Georgia, it’s close enough to the Gulf of Mexico to occasionally catch a whiff of salt in the air. The Gulf is where my friends and I bottomed fished for grouper and snapper, and it’s where chased redfish and trout on the flats. It’s our playground and sanctuary. In…

Scrapbook – September 2024

Send photographs to [email protected] and please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details.                                           Send photographs to [email protected] or mail to PO Box 1589, Watkinsville, GA 30677. Include name, subscriber number, hometown, county,…

Tips To Avoid Losing Bow-Shot Deer

Beginning Sept. 14, thousands of bowhunters will enter the Georgia woodlands in hopes of arrowing a whitetail deer. Some will be successful, most will not, and a few will suffer the agony of sticking a deer and not being able to recover it. Drawing blood but not finding a deer is one of the most…

About That Climate Change

  Except for irate wives, unreasonable game wardens and “didn’t get in ‘til 3 a.m.” hangovers, nothing affects an outdoorsman’s success more than the weather. And since all hunters and fishermen know this, they are probably concerned about the political and media hysteria surrounding “climate change.” Let me explain quickly. “Weather” is short-term local atmospheric…

Houston County BOC Denies 4,700-Acre Solar Farm

The Houston County Board of Commissioners recently disapproved an application that would have allowed Silicon Ranch solar company to place panels on a 4,700-acre tract adjacent to Oaky Woods WMA. Citing quality of living, property values, Georgia lawsuits against Silicon Ranch and wildlife habitat, the board unanimously voted against adding a solar farm to the…

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