

Cooper Hunting Offers Blast Bargain

The Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast is excited to announce Cooper Hunting is joining the 2021 Blast Bargains campaign and will be offering a discount on their Bowmaster Treestand Blind. Cooper Hunting is a manufacturer of quality tree stands and blind covers. Blast Bargains is a special part of the three-day Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast — we’re bringing pre-season deals back…

Get A Deer Scored At The Outdoor Blast, Join Georgia’s Rich Hunting History

No more wondering what those deer antlers on the wall would score. Take them down, blow off the dust and bring them to The Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast, presented by Georgia Drives Chevy and sponsored by Apex Hunting Competitions and GON.   We invite all Outdoor Blast attendees and vendors to bring their antlers and shoulder mounts to the Outdoor Blast.…

GON August 2021

GON August 2021 Volume 35, No. 9   If anyone wants to doubt Georgia’s trophy buck potential, show them this year’s Fab 40. It’s full of monsters like Buck Burriss’s 15-pointer.     Hunt Mature Bucks On WMAs Matt Beauregard offers up tips for public-land success. 8th Annual Coyote Cull Smashes Record Winners announced after…

Fall Fiction: The Trembling Part One

Glen Johnson stood in line at Big Pa’s Bait and Tackle. Drenched with sweat, it was the hottest day swinging a hammer that he could remember in a long time. He figured the only way to end a day this hot would be with a couple of ice-cold Gatorades and a box of worms. While…

30-30 Ministries Deer Camp Calendar Published

If you’re looking for an opportunity to take a kid on a deer hunt this fall, 30-30 Ministries is offering up a number of options. The non-profit organization recently released their fall hunting schedule, and a few more hunts will likely be added in the coming weeks. A few things to know about 30-30 Ministries’…

Kids Outdoor Outpost – August 2021

Hunting Regulation Changes And so it begins. Another fall hunting season is at our front door. It’s always a time when the majority of our hunters are primed and ready to go at it. Small game, dove and big game seasons are kicking off, and with it, close to 300,000 hunters will be spending time…

Coastal Hog Hunting

For Martin Richter the hunting story started with his maternal grandfather, Richard Link. The time was shortly after World War II in the late 1940s. The place? Bamberg, in what was then known as West Germany. Fast-forward to last month. Late afternoon, Richter is somewhere between Brunswick and Jesup, some 35 miles from the Georgia…

The Hunt For A Mature WMA Buck

After listening to Matt Beauregard speak as a guest on the Georgia Afield Hunting Podcast last fall, I knew right away I had to sit down with him for an in-depth story on WMA hunting for our 2021 August edition of GON Magazine. I’ve known Matt for a few years now, (we attend the same…

Take My Advice…

The time-honored tradition of giving and taking advice is all but lost these days. Mostly, it seems, because everybody already knows everything. Pity. It’s also possible that they may be surrounded by a host of would-be advisers who collectively are dumber than a cracked rock. (As I look around me in this convenience store, everybody…

Letters To The Editor – August 2021

I’ve Got A Few Jim Bland Stories Of My Own Dear GON, I enjoyed Duncan Dobie’s article in the July issue about Mr. Jim Bland. When I saw the picture on the cover, I thought that the kid looked like Jim Bland, and sure enough it was him. I’ve known Jim and his sons since…

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