There’s a great spot at the Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast to take a comfortable seat, watch fish in a giant 4,000 gallon tank, and learn some new tips and techniques for your next trip to the water while you relax. Experts on a variety of types of fishing for a variety of species will be teaching…
The dog-days of summer are here, and as my buddy Shane reminded me, one or two waters won’t cut it. Make sure to take plenty of water and stay hydrated during summer trips. Lots of bites are fired off right now, and the rivers are getting right again. Altamaha River: The river was falling back…
The Georgia Chapter of Safari Club International (SCI) hosted 31 Purple Heart recipients during its annual Wounded Veterans Fishing Weekend at Lake Lanier July 7-9. Georgia SCI has hosted the event for more than a decade, providing a full weekend of fishing and fun on Lake Lanier for wounded veterans and their guests. The three-day event,…
A 12-year-old girl is undergoing a series of rabies shots after a beaver lunged out of the water and bit her. The girl was climbing a ladder or about to get on the ladder at a boat dock when the beaver latched on to her leg, dragging her into the lake. Don McGowan, a biologist…
Georgia Outdoor News is seeking volunteers to help with guest relations at the 2023 Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast. Volunteer duties can include greeting guests, providing information and checking for tickets at the showroom entry and exit doors. The Outdoor Blast is July 28-30. The show hours are 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, 9 a.m.…
DNR is looking for input from fishermen on several proposed changes to trout fishing in the state. One of the most notable proposals that is raising eyebrows is the dropping of size limits on Waters Creek in Lumpkin County. The well-known trophy trout fishing spot currently has an 18-inch minimum length limit on brook trout,…
For the third straight year, competition turkey callers will have the opportunity to earn a trip to Nashville to compete in the Super Bowl of contest calling at the NWTF Grand Nationals. The 3rd annual Yonah Invitational turkey-calling competition, a Grand National qualifying event, will take place at the Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast on Saturday,…
Inshore: Capt. David Newlin reports, “The Fourth of July week has been a busy week of boats on the water and fish catching. Some really nice catches of flounder have happened this week. Big flounder have been biting really good for me on the outgoing tide. Live shrimp fished just off the bottom under a cork has been…
The Coastal Resources Division (CRD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources is seeking help from recreational saltwater anglers in collecting data during the upcoming red snapper harvest season July 14 and 15. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is allowing the recreational harvest of one red snapper per person per day with no minimum…