Cooler weather, less competition, and bass ready to eat make October a great time to be a bass fisherman, especially if you fish Clarks Hill. “I would rather be on Clarks Hill in October than any other lake,” said Steve Taylor, a member of the Georgia Bass Chapter Federation (GBCF) state team. “It is just…
Few buck signs are more exciting to find on your hunting property than recent rubs. Especially bragging-sized, BIG rubs.Everyone who has hunted has had a hunting buddy come out of the woods all excited saying, “Man, you wouldn’ t believe the rub I found. It’s on a tree as big as my leg and it’…
“What? No more deer tags? How will they know how many deer were killed? This is awful! Now there is no way to keep those sorry poachers from killing more than five deer!” Many hunters reacted this way when they bought their big game license prior to the ’96-’97 deer season. I was slightly amazed…
Jonathan Clifton, of Siloam, holds the current channel catfish record for Lake Oconee with a 34-lb., 8-oz.. fish he caught on May 31, 1998.
Jim Ezell, of Blue Ridge, holds the Blue Ridge lake record for smallmouth bass with a 6-lb., 14-oz. bronzeback caught in on May 15, 1998.
Jonathan Sutton, of Adairsville, caught a 1-lb., 11-oz. bluegill on Carters Lake on April 12, 1998. The big bream set a records as the largest verified bluegill from Carters.
Half of the old Christmas tree sat above the surface, exposed like we were to the cold air and biting wind. Resting in no more than two feet of heavily-stained, 49-degree water near the shoreline, it seemed an unlikely target for a jig ‘n pig that day. But what the heck… we had just…
The weather early in the day was crazy with wind, rain, clouds and sun. I was debating to hunt or not because deer normally bed down in unstable weather, besides I don’t like to hunt in the rain. Seeing that the rain was ending, I decided to go hunting. I went to an area that…
By Michael Layfield On Oct. 27, 1997 I hunted a pine grove on Marine Corps Logistics Base in Albany, Georgia. The wind was out of the northwest at 15 mph and the temperature was dropping into the low 40s. Earlier in the day while working I saw a buck bedding with a doe in this…
Mid-November, peak of the rut, and I was in hot pursuit of a trophy whitetail buck. Perched high in a pine tree at the edge of field, I waited eagerly for a buck to approach down the trail and provide a bow shot. As it neared dusk, I looked across the field and spotted a…