

May Day Plan For Seminole Bass

Jackie Alderman and I had been fishing on Lake Seminole for all of about two minutes when the first fish hit. We had pulled up to a sandbar in five or six feet of water within sight of the Jim Woodruff Dam and had begun to throw a Carolina-rigged Junebug lizard. On his second cast,…

Lake Eufaula’s Old Hwy 39 Bridge February Crappie

At about 4:40 p.m. the tip of one of the fishing rods I was watching just barely quivered. Exactly 25 feet below the boat, in the shadow of the sunken old Hwy 39 bridge, something was trying to decide if a minnow was on its menu. I picked up the rod, keeping a close watch…

Walking Miles To Find Chickasawhatchee WMA Hogs

When I first saw the black hog trotting between the palmettos, it was only about 30 yards away, heading right for me. Best I could figure, I’d put about 10 miles under my boots in the last two days to get myself in this position. Just because hogs can’t see or hear very well doesn’t…

Deep Dock Lanier Crappie

Even in the dead of winter, Lake Lanier can provide some outstanding crappie fishing. In mid December last year, Lanier fishing guide Doug Youngblood of Buford and clients caught more than 100 crappie on a couple of trips before the Christmas deep-freeze set in. In mid January Doug caught 50 crappie off one dock. He…

Ossabaw’s 2005 Hunt Report: Thick, Wet and Covered With Acorns

Most hunters picked for one of the Ossabaw Island quota deer hunts this season found the hunting tougher than normal, at least compared to the heyday for high hunter-success rates in the late 1990s. Several factors have changed the way hunters have to go about collecting venison and pork. For the first time in a…

Batson On Catching Lake Jackson Bass In April

My first trip to Lake Jackson was in April of 2000. I was filming tournament pro Eric Perkins and GON editor Daryl Kirby for GON-TV. Right off the bat Eric caught a 4-lb. largemouth on a Bang-O-Lure. The bite never stopped. All day bass hit Flukes, spinnerbaits, worms, jigs, whatever hit the water. It was…

GON Goes Hunting With Feral Hog Control Permit

• Saturday, June 11: When light hit the ground, I felt strange. Sitting a foot off the ground in a roomy box stand with my .243 rifle propped in the corner, I was ready if opportunity knocked. The thought that the chance could arise where I’d need to look through my scope and squeeze one…

Gobblers Galore At River Creek!

Thirty minutes after fly-down time, and we hadn’t heard a gobble. This is crazy, I thought. Thomas Holcombe, 14, of Royston and I were the very first public turkey hunters on the newly purchased River Creek WMA in Thomas County. I’d heard the place was filthy with turkeys, but at this point I wasn’t so…

Clarks Hill Anglers Sing The Blues, Smith Looks For Summer Bass

As the summer heat begins to drive water temperatures well into the 80s, there will be a bass pattern developing on Clarks Hill that not too many bass anglers ever take advantage of. We’ll be talking with David Smith of Lincolnton, one of the lake’s top club fishermen, about how and where he is catching…

Hunt Swamp Rabbits

We were 45 minutes into a steady, hot rabbit run. Thanks to a pack of well-trained beagles, this particular swamp rabbit was having a tough time trying to end the race. Scott Hulsey from Maysville, long-time swamp-rabbit hunter, had three males on the ground, and I had two females in there with them. Standing still…

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