Fishing Reports
Allatoona: Level: Down 8.3 feet below full pool. Temp: 83 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Excellent. “Fishing was phenomenal on Allatoona for big fish in August,” guide Mike Bucca said. “Lots of big largemouth were roaming in the main lake due to the creeks drying up from our lack of rainfall. The biggest pattern was throwing…
One the state’s most endangered Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) has a chance to be protected from looming development, and if it happens, a big chunk of the money will come from county residents. The Paulding County Commission two weeks ago voted to place a $15 million bond referendum on the November ballot to help the…
Folks interested in improving their land for wildlife while also reducing the cost of land ownership and management have a unique opportunity to attend sessions taught by resource professionals at an upcoming field day event. Representatives from the Wildlife Resources Division (WRD), Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC), USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, University of Georgia and…
As the long, hot days of August roll in, we all look forward to those great tailgate parties. What better meat for a tailgate party than a big, fat Georgia hog. With Squirrel season opening August 15, a bigger game season opens as well, feral hog season on Georgia’s Wildlife Management Areas. Most WMAs are…
As the 2005-06 deer season went from archery, to primitive-weapons week, to full-blown gun season, one thing remained constant. Big bucks were being taken at a fast clip, and entries for the Truck-Buck contest were coming from every corner of the state. Weeks 7-11 of the contest provided plenty of thrilling tales and some lifelong…
It’s that time of year again; the middle of summer in Georgia. Temperatures are soaring, the humidity is stifling and it is often downright uncomfortable to be outside. For us anglers it can be even worse. The reservoirs are packed with fun seekers on watercraft of virtually every description, and it is often difficult to…
After 20 years of GON being able to renew old friendships with many of you each August at the Buckaramas, GON has been denied a place in the shows this year by the show owner, the Georgia Wildlife Federation (GWF). We are disappointed by the actions of GWF/Camo Coalition because we valued this opportunity to…
Grant Taylor, 7, was born with a skin disorder called EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa). The disease causes the skin to be extremely fragile, where the slightest bump can cause his skin to peel or blister. Thankfully, there’s an organization dedicated to finding a cure. Called DebRA, the non-profit organization has been around for more than two…
It’s one of the biggest bass-fishing tournaments in the nation — BFL’s All-American. Kip Carter from Oxford finished third at this year’s All-American, an accomplishment that’s a really big deal. This year’s All-American took place July 6-8 on the Connecticut River. Family and friends joined Kip each day at the weigh-ins. The Carter clan were…
I find that as I’m out on the water or anywhere that fly fishing might come up in conversation, I’m consistently running across people who have a lot of incorrect assumptions about my favorite pasttime. And it just so happens that there’s just not really a whole heck of a lot to write about regarding…