Truck-Buck is not the kind of contest that someone pays an entry fee up front expecting to win a truck because they have the best land in the state. Rather, it has always been a contest more about recognizing and celebrating the fortunate, everyday GON subscribers who kill good bucks. This year there is a…
Only in America can a small businessman have any hope of prevailing against the strong-arm tactics of a billionarie bully. But Jay Wallace and his family have taken just such a stand. Jay and his family have operated Adventure Outdoors, a retail hunting and fishing business in Smyrna, for the past 30 years. In May,…
All across north Georgia, there has been an explosion of big spotted bass in lakes where blueback herring have been introduced. The spots have taken to these open-water baitfish and have grown fat and heavy. Carters Lake was one of the first to see this change, and it is still one of our best lakes…
The summer of 2006 is turning out to be extremely hot and unusually dry…. not exactly the kind of weather conditions that one dreams about for trout fishing. But, the hotter the air temperature, the better trout fishing becomes on north Georgia’s Lake Burton. In fact, because trout fishing can really heat up on Lake…
I had meticulously calculated tides, checked sunrise times, and pored over my fishing log trying to choose a time that would maximize our chance of catching the seatrout bite just right to have a triple-digit day. The unknown variable was wind, but I had even rearranged my schedule to allow four days where the tide…
It won’t be long now when crisp, cool mornings greet the camo-clad thousands who still enjoy the legacy and passion of Georgia hunting. It’s time to make plans and get ready for another season. It’s also time to get more kids involved in the great tradition of hunting, and a growing line-up of free…
There are hunting and fishing experiences that are talked about so often that they begin to tempt even a deep-rooted Georgian. Whitetails in Canada, doves in South America, catfish in South Carolina… Catfish? In South Carolina? Yes, for me it has long been the giant catfish of Santee Cooper that have been a temptation. Quite…
Tournament—there’s something about that word that gets the blood moving in many anglers. The competition, the recognition, the camaraderie, and the possible winning purse all combine to make tournament fishing something special. Many bass anglers have fished in tournaments, from local club events all the way up to FLW and B.A.S.S. sanctioned affairs. But until the…
“I knew one of us was going to get him,” said Travis Brantley when he saw the trail-camera photos of the 10-point buck. Travis and three buddies were hunting a 100-acre tract in Washington County and had nine trail cameras set out around their property. A particular 10-pointer kept showing up on their trail-camera pictures,…
This year lawmakers passed a bill that makes it legal to have scopes on muzzleloaders during the primitive-weapons week of deer season, and also on primitive-weapons hunts on Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). In previous legislative sessions, bills that addressed the issue of scopes on muzzleloders were complicated when more-controversial measures like baiting and dog-hunting changes…