PGA Pro Golfer Catches 56-lb. Savannah River Record Striper
Monster fish crushes nearly 5-year-old record
Nick Carter | May 9, 2012

Vaughn Taylor, of Evans, caught this 56-lb., 2-oz. striper May 7 on the Savannah River near Evans.
PGA Tour Pro Vaughn Taylor had the week off from golfing. So he went fishing and caught the new Savannah River Record striper on Monday.
Vaughn, of Evans, caught the 56-lb., 2-oz. behemoth May 7 on a bucktail jig just below the Clarks Hill Dam. It took him more than 20 minutes to fight and subdue the fish in swift water on 50-lb. braided line.
The fish measured 46 1/2 inches and outweighed the old record by more than 13 pounds. The old record of 42-lbs., 14-ozs. was caught by Farrell Morgan in Sept. 2007.
WRD Fisheries Biologist Ed Bettross weighed, measured and identified the fish. Look for the complete story of Vaughn’s awesome striper in next month’s issue of GON.
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