
GON Classifieds

Reloading components

Boykin Hollow
Posted: March 17, 2025 (18 hours ago)

Various reloading components for sale below retail price.

Remington STS 209 primers (4000 total) $70.00 per thousand (will separate)

Nobel 209 primers (1000) $50.00

Winchester 209 primers (900 total) SOLD SOLD SOLD

2 bags of 12 gauge Downwind wads $10.00 each

8 lb jug of Clay Dot powder 7.6 lbs remain including the weight of the jug so I am guessing 5+ pounds of powder ($250.00)

8 lb jug of Red Dot powder 8.7 lbs remain including the weight of the jug so I am guessing 6 lbs or slightly more of powder ( $300.00)

I will ship on your dime and don’t have time to travel very far. Best to contact me via phone or call me, I will talk with you.

Feel free to make me an offer for all or some of the above, the worse thing I will say is no and no hard feelings between us.

Thanks for looking

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