
Scrapbook Bonus – December 2015

Reader Contributed | December 1, 2015

After watching two bucks fight, Donte Montgomery downed this Madison County 9-pointer with a 150-yard shot.


This piebald buck was taken in Banks County on Nov. 2 by Jonathan Roberts, who is from Maysville.


Dylan Mulling, 16, of Gainesville, killed this 8-point buck in Elbert County on Oct. 24. This is Dylan’s best buck so far. The buck walked directly under his lock-on stand, and he shot it at 15 yards.


Peach County’s Summer Stafford, 22, got her first buck on opening day.


Congrats to Alex Standridge on his first deer. Alex, 16, was hunting in Whitfield County on Nov. 14.


When the hog fills the tailgate, you’ve killed a big boar! Brandon Gassett, of Byron, was on his way to a deer stand opening weekend when he shot this Houston County giant. They estimated that it weighed more than 300 pounds.

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