
photo of a deer killed by Tyler Brownphoto of a deer killed by Tyler Brownphoto of a deer killed by Tyler Brown

Hunter: Tyler Brown

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Fulton

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

What a great hunt. Seconds after settling in my lock-on, a large 8pt walked in. Unfortunately, it was twenty minutes before shooting light. He would eventually grunt and chase after a nearby doe. Not long after sunrise, a spike fed into my shooting lane. He suddenly stared hard down the hill. I knew a buck was coming. A symmetrical split G2 buck we would call Muley walked in. He was bristled up and made clear who was boss. He fed behind a magnolia tree for what seemed like forever. A nearby doe got his attention and he began to walk off. I drew my bow, and tried to stop him. “Meh, meh, meh” and then finally I yelled “hey!” He turned around at twenty yards my arrow found the mark. I decided to give him thirty minutes before I got down. A doe then eased in. As I contemplated shooting her a buck chased her off. Within a few minutes I saw at least seven bucks. She was clearly in estrous. What a morning! What a blessing it is to enjoy God’s creation.
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