
photo of a deer killed by Tristan Cochranphoto of a deer killed by Tristan Cochranphoto of a deer killed by Tristan Cochran

Hunter: Tristan Cochran

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Turner

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

I got to the stand Monday afternoon (Nov 6) and didn't have much going on for most of the hunt. So, for the majority of the hunt, the most excitement I had was an armadillo stomping around under my stand. A little before dark a doe walked out on my right so I watched her for a while to make sure a buck wasn't close behind. As I watched her it started getting dark so I figured my hunt was about over. So I looked to my left to check the field before I called the hunt and as soon as I did I saw a dark outline of a big-bodied deer about 150 yards away. I couldn't tell what he was because it was pretty dark out, but I could tell he had antlers. I looked through my binoculars and couldn't tell much about him until he turned his head and as soon as he did I knew he was a shooter. I clicked my gun of safety and took the shot, which caused him to fall and limp off. After we let him sit a while we went back to check for blood and didn't have much of a trail so we decided to wait till morning before we tried to track him because we felt we had the least chance of jumping him and losing him. About 8:30 Tuesday morning we started looking for him and found him dead about 100 yards from where I shot him. This will be a hunt I remember for a long time not only because of the deer but because I got to share finding him with my dad and good friends.
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