
photo of a deer killed by Simon Hartphoto of a deer killed by Simon Hartphoto of a deer killed by Simon Hart

Hunter: Simon Hart

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Sumter

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

On a quick weekend trip to the family farm, Simon hunted hard. Saturday he sat on the stand for 10 hours. He saw lots of does and little bucks, but he was determined to wait for a shot at a monster. Sunday morning, he was back in the stand at 6:30 for one last sit. As soon as he got in position, he saw three does looking at him. Fortunately, they didn't blow but browsed on. Soon after he saw a 4-point and a beautiful young 10-point moving through the newly planted pines. The 10-point was tempting, but Simon had killed a nice 10-point last year, so he resisted the urge and let him walk. His patience was rewarded 20 minutes later when he saw antlers, big antlers, moving through the brush at the back of the pines about 110 yards away. The big 8 was steadily walking away from Simon into a head of woods, so Simon deployed a new tactic he picked up this fall - a snort wheeze. Pff-pff-pfffffffffffffff! The buck immediately swung around and started coming in. He got within a hundred yards and turned broadside. Simon was ready. He put a 7mm08 round through that big buck's chest. The perfect shot made a quick end to Simon's second trophy buck.
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