
photo of a deer killed by Rooster Dollarphoto of a deer killed by Rooster Dollarphoto of a deer killed by Rooster Dollar

Hunter: Rooster Dollar

Points: 12 (5L, 7R)

County: Grady

Season: 2019-2020

Hunt Story

I got in the stand at 6 o'clock on this Sunday morning knowing it was going to be a good morning because it rained all day the day before and was windy all night so I felt I had a good opportunity at taking a deer. As daylight began to come I could hear a ruckus off in the woods that sounded like deer fighting. As time went by it was getting lighter and lighter, and at roughly 7:15 a.m. I saw a nice buck in the distance walking toward the corn. As he got closer I knew he was the one I wanted, and he presented me a perfect shot so I took it.
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