
photo of a deer killed by Robert Caldwellphoto of a deer killed by Robert Caldwellphoto of a deer killed by Robert Caldwell

Hunter: Robert Caldwell

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Ben Hill

Season: 2018-2019

Hunt Story

Deer stand is set on a firebreak that separates a 2-year-old cutover and a hardwood pine swamp bottom. Around 10:50 a.m. I spotted two does in a oak-vine thicket about 20 yards from the firebreak and 50 yards from my stand going into the swamp. Ten minutes later I watched a nice size 6- or 8-point in the clearcut disappear over the hill about 100 yards to my left. Disappointed that I had not seen the buck sooner I glanced back to where I had seen the does. I saw a large brown square of hair. I looked with my binoculars and saw it had a rack. Put the binoculars down and brought up my rifle, put scope crosshairs on him. Because of the vines and small trees my only shot was just back of his shoulder. The shot was good. Found him about 40 feet from where I shot him.
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