
photo of a deer killed by Richard Carrphoto of a deer killed by Richard Carrphoto of a deer killed by Richard Carr

Hunter: Richard Carr

Points: 11 (6L, 5R)

County: Stewart

Season: 2020-2021

Hunt Story

I had missed a nice 8-point on Wednesday, Nov. 18, which really the only real rut sign we had seen. The weather turned warm on the 20th and pretty well shut everything down. I put up a camera at the end of an old logging road on Nov. 21 and immediately started getting pictures of bucks. I made a little natural blind 50 yards away and started sitting in the afternoons. I saw deer every hunt but no shooters. I had a picture of a shooter 8-point on the morning of the 26th and decided to sit that stand Thanksgiving evening. About 5:45 the light was starting to fade and I saw movement. I saw the left beam of the deer and decided to take the shot. The deer fell in its tracks and I thought it was the 8-point from the camera. As I got closer I could see that it had 4 sticking up and thought it was a 10-point only to count and realize it was an 11-point. I took a picture and sent it in a group text and my son called me immediately and told me it was the big buck (12-point) last year that we had on camera the last three years, and we did not have him on camera at all since September of this year. To say I was excited I a huge understatement. My wife says I haven't quite smiling since
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