Hunter: Randy Curles
Points: 11 (5L, 6R)
County: Worth
Season: 2018-2019
Hunt Story
My son asked me to go hunting with him after work, but I thought it was too windy. He had a feeling that we should go, they will be moving! I agreed to go. We got in the stand about 4:45 pm, and I patiently waited. While I was scanning with my binoculars, I saw that big boy come out!! He was getting closer but then he went into the thicket. My heart sank!!! I hit the grunt a couple times and he got curious and came back out!!! But I still couldn't take a shot.... he stepped back into the thicket so I hit the grunt again. This time he stepped out and turned broadside so that I was able to take the shot. He was about 225 yards away. I took my shot and saw him jump straight up in the air, flipped around and fell straight to the ground. I sat there about 15 or 20 minutes and decided to go check him out. There he was, my monster buck!!! All these years of taking my son hunting and teaching him everything I know, I think this is pretty darn close to paying me back!!!