
photo of a deer killed by Paul Kaiserphoto of a deer killed by Paul Kaiserphoto of a deer killed by Paul Kaiser

Hunter: Paul Kaiser

Points: 10 (5L, 5R)

County: Meriwether

Season: 2024-2025

Hunt Story

Had an encounter with this same buck two weeks before, opening weekend of bow season. Couldn’t get a shot that day, too many twigs in the way and he eventually got a whiff of me in the swirling breeze and bounded off the plot. On Sunday, September 29, I was in the same tree and at 7:00 he came down a logging road toward the clover plot I was on and eventually gave me a 15-yard shot. The shot was high and it spined him, a quick follow up shot into the chest and he was dead in just a few seconds.
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