Hunter: Mike Donohue
Points: 9 (4L, 5R)
County: Cobb
Season: 2016-2017
Hunt Story
2016 had been a tough season for me. The drought here in Georgia really affected our hunting spot. Our food plots hurting despite efforts to water them in early. Two weeks ago I was in Kansas and missed a giant 8-point with my bow. I was thinking about this season and how disappointing it has been. I'd had a button buck wander by at 8:00. Then another buck, a young 7-point came from the same direction. He came on the trail 12 yards behind me and turned to walk along the fence line. He started rubbing two different little trees then suddenly started staring into the hardwood bottom. The sun was rising and shining into the bottom. I leaned forward to look around a big pine new to to my stand and saw the big 9 coming out of the bottom. The 7-point just stared toward the 9, so I knew it was time to stand and get ready. He continued toward a hole in the fence 20 yards from my stand. He passed through it and stopped right behind my tree. He was now dead downwind of me but close enough my scent must have been above him. I was already at full draw, and he stood there for 10 seconds or so. Looking up toward our top field some 80 yards away. I picked my shooting lane and he started moving again. I grunted stopping him and released my arrow. I knew the shot was good and I watched him run off, circle and fall 40 yards from me. The little 7-point went up to him at least 4 times as if to say what's wrong? Get up. Why you sleeping? I could see the big 9 wasn't moving at all. I thanked the Lord for the opportunity and blessing of harvesting a great buck.