Hunter: Mickey Layman
Points: 13 (6L, 7R)
County: Fulton
Season: 2018-2019
Hunt Story
I have been hunting this deer for four years. He is now an old bruiser as you can tell by the scars on his face and the age of the deer. I had two cameras about 1 mile apart, and finally figured out once he left the first camera he would go by the second about an hour later. This particular camera this morning went off about 6:15 a.m., so I went to the other spot (1 mile away) hoping he would show up as his normal routine. As luck would have it, he did! As he came in, deer alerted as he knew something "wasn't right," and he started to walk away. I hit the grunt, he stopped turned and looked at me. I then released the arrow approximately a 40-yard shot. Hit him perfectly, he ran about 80 yards and fell.