
photo of a deer killed by Mickey Fosterphoto of a deer killed by Mickey Fosterphoto of a deer killed by Mickey Foster

Hunter: Mickey Foster

Points: 7 (4L, 3R)

County: Carroll

Season: 2021-2022

Hunt Story

I had seen signs of deer activity in this area last year. I built a shooting house where I could hunt safely and comfortably. I have hunted this stand 10 to 15 times already this season and hadn`t seen the first deer. I have a camera out and I had several pictures but 95% of them were always at night. I got to my stand a little early on December the 3rd and it wasn`t 10 minutes after I got to the stand that this deer showed up. My wife had already told me that if I killed a deer to have mounted that she would pay to have it mounted. for my Christmas present. I was tickled to be able to harvest such a nice animal. He didn't go but 35 yards after I shot.
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