
photo of a deer killed by Matt Grayphoto of a deer killed by Matt Grayphoto of a deer killed by Matt Gray

Hunter: Matt Gray

Points: 8 (4L, 4R)

County: Habersham

Season: 2023-2024

Hunt Story

This buck was a true gift from our Father- I truly believe that. I am so thankful, what a blessing! Best one to date. The kids and I had hunted in this area just the week before, and had no luck. But I knew there were deer in the area. This particular Sunday morning it was just me and I went back and moved my stand to go a little deeper. It was pretty thick, but I set up in a little red oak in the best place that I could find, trying to get set up and up in the tree before it got too late in the morning. I was settled in by 7, and waited till nearly 9, and saw no movement. It was a beautiful morning, leaves were falling, and I was just thankful to be out there. Hoping that today would be the day to get a great buck. Right at 9 o'clock he stepped out only 20 yards away. I couldn't see all of him nor his whole rack, but I knew he was a mature buck, my heart started racing out of my chest. He worked his way around more in front of me, and when he finally presented a shot, he was 15 yards or less from me- and I was only 10 to 12 feet up in the tree (I normally like to be higher, but couldn't in this tree). I was worried about getting busted, especially being that low, but he wasn't looking up, his nose was on the ground, and he was on the hunt, he was in full rut, with his hair standing out on his neck. I squeezed the trigger- boom, and he only ran roughly 30 yards or so- down. I immediately began thanking our Father in Heaven for this blessing. We all have so much to be thankful for and HE reminded me of that on this Sunday morning.
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